《20180409期 E-time》歌词

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:08] 萦绕在机电上空的声音牵动着你我的思绪
[00:00:13] 游走在我们双耳的音律
[00:00:15] 诉说着情感的故事
[00:00:17] 在这里
[00:00:18] 我们记录青葱的岁月
[00:00:20] 分享你我的精彩
[00:00:22] 在偌大的校园
[00:00:24] 每天都有不同的精彩
[00:00:26] 在幽静的校闹
[00:00:28] 会有声音穿透你我的耳畔
[00:00:31] 广播台给你的天空画上一道绚丽的色彩
[00:00:35] 给你的青春留下一道美丽的风景
[00:00:58] You are listening to 的radio station of and a mechanical and electrical college
[00:01:06] 您现在收听到的是广东机电职业技术学院广播台
[00:01:19] 这悲哀的啊啊
[00:01:23] 这里有最地道的情景口语秀take easy 光影流声带你玩装影音大世界美剧、英剧电影一网打尽
[00:01:32] 世界地理万花筒带你领略打清风景
[00:01:36] 要你好看
[00:01:37] 每周一下午05 :30 一摊为你带来最新鲜的英语资讯MMP 的join an English here to share English everywhere s 钩哈喽
[00:01:53] 大家下午好
[00:01:54] 现在是2018年4月9日周一下午
[00:01:57] 05 :30
[00:01:59] 您现在收听到的是OK
[00:02:01] 我是主播appel ninth two thousand and eighteen listening to come here 我是你们的主播一小段音乐过后一起来说出今天的节目是吧
[00:02:14] 不要走开哦q har har To Get you down
[00:02:24] 啊
[00:02:32] 下面是本期e tam 的节目速报
[00:02:35] 诗歌美文
[00:02:36] 为大家带来四月之歌
[00:02:39] 世界地理万花筒
[00:02:40] 将给大家带来乌镇江南水乡的诗意生活精彩解说
[00:02:45] 英语广角给大家带来回来吧
[00:02:47] 青春一首孤独的寻吕川井宪次之后正式进入的汤program da da da da da da da da da da len da la
[00:03:07] 四月春暖花开的季节
[00:03:10] Song of second april 4月之歌
[00:03:14] A new again in april last year it was no different with per san sang the mother were shining with metals no the most u love is green again your family butterfly floating around
[00:03:30] 一年一度
[00:03:31] 又是四月
[00:03:32] 去年经遂毫无两样的雨
[00:03:35] 阵阵叹息声声
[00:03:37] 屋里伴着融水闪闪发亮
[00:03:40] 你钟情的苔藓又见绿e
[00:03:43] 你喜爱的蝴蝶四处飘荡
[00:03:47] New roof box on de door steps the sound of the revolution is running de grade would pack or his ter hall far or near or ter in a heavy it was a jo us de for them man who were the child of the game in d d carefully the water Des of the great river is cry of the Swift stream and south to de ship of the flowers the sun goes up the hill to much change where are you the only concern endless melody calling
[00:04:21] 换新的屋顶
[00:04:23] 木板堆在门前
[00:04:24] 翻修的学生成天敲响灰色啄木鸟击打钻孔远近的果园
[00:04:31] 匆匆忙忙毛做的大人欢天喜地
[00:04:34] 游戏的孩童认真模仿沉稳的大河水深流进
[00:04:39] 专辑的小溪跳跃缺热
[00:04:42] 穿过毛遂华雄的羊群
[00:04:44] 沐浴日照
[00:04:46] 走上山高
[00:04:47] 物是人非
[00:04:48] 你在何处
[00:04:49] 唯一的牵挂
[00:04:50] 不尽的惆怅
[00:05:05] 选悠闲舒适的旅游地方
[00:05:08] 为何不选乌镇呢
[00:05:10] 乌镇江南水乡的诗意生活
[00:05:14] 江南area is de voted with many historic water town or she or com and character is tic beavers and legs criss cross water network risk or small bridge running water most valuable of over in 的small town time seems to stop there are no cities and you can stalk around us dial St
[00:05:38] Several de 的Shi or even sit in de te house 江南six what are
[00:05:44] 江苏周庄卤汁
[00:05:47] 同理N
[00:05:48] 西塘乌镇浙江南浔乌镇
[00:05:52] One of them or it action towns of the Reagan characteristics and because of its unique historical and cultural charm to attract many tourists visit version has been a challenge a person since ancient times the famous people of the past ran us ts have compared 赵明文轩梁兆明的prince hang Zhou and people copy the editor 茅坤the new confession us 张扬远the right or modern in so on these issues of global a more us feeling will bring you to these Chinese last pi ro wo ter family
[00:06:35] China has water town often refer to as vessel of the east and famous for their ancient buildings bridge can ul and weight of life that have no change in centuries if you want to escape from the huge and boost of your city life water town will be de best choice
[00:06:55] Water towns are also perfect destination for lovers or photograph the photo opportunities are nd Li bi taking a small water taxi visitors can take a luxury through Dis village get ing a different perspective on them the gardens in Du village or Ren own as well known as the village in Su Zhou Hao are of the same si DAI Lin ole is ground
[00:07:25] Y I take a water town to re because life in these water town seems to have students do and visitors can steal c d u ne qui at traditional folk culture of south eastern China it is easy to fall in love with a place where life steal c in traditional and laid back if you take that time to visit these water town you will be surprised by what you discover
[00:07:52] Situated in de north of the junk province the beautiful water town of Lu jen is one of those ancient towns is a charming place full of ancient bridge traditional hotel politics in restaurants or build around a maze ing water net worked that is part of Beijing Hangzhou can ear the longest clear in de war over the past year was an has no change its name the system or way of life
[00:08:27] It is a living museum for an ancient civilization the history food and tradition
[00:08:34] The buildings of wooden r or a century or more old and build using traditional wood and stone a collector with time roof
[00:08:46] For a century there local people of Dis area have been building their homes the market around a river edge special beautiful country year are hiding by de sounds in between de building providing a delight for discovery as almost every turn in these action town does is a plenty to do or nothing at all if you m is to relax the place is quiet yes it also offers we bop lor ee and glass work shops each or an open air film period
[00:09:23] K k in the life of town from the water on a traditional would vote in si de in one of the many luxury us hotel or against a communication in President homes for a true taste of China village life
[00:09:53] 珍惜你的青春
[00:09:54] 别当青春不在才后悔自己所错过的事物
[00:09:59] 回来吧
[00:10:00] 青春
[00:10:02] It was new years night an edge min was standing at the window he res his men for eyes toward a deep for sky where de starts were floating re white Li Li si on de surface of a clean calm lake when he calls them on d ers
[00:10:21] Will feel more hopeless people than himself now moved towards their certain goal to Tom he had already passed sixty of Dis de g Li Ding to it and he had brought from his journey nothing the errors and re moves now his health was poor his my can vent is hard sorrow f ul and his own as short of comfort
[00:10:49] The days of his you appreciate like strength before him and he re called a serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of to row one leading to a peaceful sunny place covered with flowers fruits and re sul ting with soft sweet songs the other leading to a deep
[00:11:13] Dark cave which was an ul us there poison flo is dead of what are and where de vote and poisonous next he says and proud
[00:11:26] He looked toward the sky and cry painful e ou Lu si return ou Mei fa der plays me once more at the entrance to life and our choose the later when troubles his brother the death of his youth had passed away
[00:11:45] He saw to night away in the darkness
[00:11:49] Dis was a day of the rest I saw a stuff for from the sky and discipline and Dis was a symbol of himself his dream and which was like a sharp arrow struck deeply into his heart den he remembered his friends in his childhood who entered life together with him but they have made their way to success and were now on er and happy on his new year night
[00:12:21] The clock in de tai tar tower struck and thus are all made him remember his parents early love for him that he had told him and played To God for his good but he chose the wrong way white shame our grave he there no longer to look toward heaven where his fathers lived his Duncan eyes were full of tears and with de s pi ing effort he burst out a cry come back my early days comeback
[00:12:54] And his u Di did return for all these was only a dream which he had on new years night he was steel yung and his sword were real he had not yet entered the deep dark cave and he was still free to work on the road which leads to peaceful and sunny land
[00:13:19] Those who steal Ling ger on the entrance of life is taking to choose the bride groom remember that when you as our path and your feet stamp or on the dark mountains you will cry but Li re invent or use return or give me back on my early days
[00:13:41] Is program is to say goodbye to everyone welcome to next to re er of time to listen I hope you all
[00:13:50] 由于时间的关系
[00:13:52] 今天的一趟就到这里啦
[00:13:54] 感谢广播台的播音员、技术员、天津原以及策划员们
[00:14:00] 下星期见CUSV
[00:15:04] 春去白了花
[00:15:06] 发落寞拉丝量
[00:15:11] 签下一缕愁丝
[00:15:13] 遮目让人梦
[00:15:17] 情人断了肠清
[00:15:21] 天各一方
[00:15:24] 今生遇你
[00:15:26] 相见无望
[00:15:30] 繁华落幕
[00:15:31] 黎生能干诉衷肠
[00:15:36] 昨夜又见
[00:15:38] 当年娶我不规律
[00:15:43] 今夜太漫长
[00:15:46] 今良姑洋洋
[00:15:50] 情人B股
[00:15:52] 野兽华黄
[00:15:55] 我应在江湖悠悠
[00:15:59] 饮一壶浊酒醉里看百花胜出
[00:16:06] 筹我把na 路
[00:16:10] 爱野游留佳人
[00:16:14] 等候梦里生
[00:16:17] 子敬高几楼
[00:16:32] 啊
[00:16:47] 繁花落幕
[00:16:48] 力生能干诉衷肠
[00:16:53] 昨夜又见
[00:16:55] 当年弃
[00:16:56] 我不归来
[00:17:00] 今夜开慢尝
[00:17:03] 尽量估洋洋
[00:17:06] 新人必苦
[00:17:08] 也受花黄
[00:17:12] 我酝在江湖悠悠饮一壶浊酒醉里空
[00:17:21] 百花深处愁
[00:17:25] 莫把那关外
[00:17:27] 也有刘家人等候
[00:17:32] 梦里生子情哥
[00:17:35] 几楼在山姑娘一伙
[00:17:43] 着愁千里看卖花
[00:17:47] 伸出手
[00:17:50] 我把na 爷爷
[00:17:54] 刘家人等候
[00:17:58] 梦里生子情购几楼
[00:18:04] 梦里生此情歌其劳
[00:18:32] Amy can you were the shadow to my life Di did you fill and an other si tar ter
[00:18:47] Afraid our aim is out of sight wanna see r Wan a c I si ly
[00:19:00] Have you ever heard me before every time you gou
[00:19:06] Its like I never leave its like you never know the feelings owe strong when you were here I can pretend um are to my mind
[00:19:23] Its time to say good bye are you are you love
[00:19:34] When you alone are you thinking about making that always be your 的memory hey ro 环绕
[00:19:44] You know when ever tell my thought you were my dream lover lies you na pier with mi al sou Le can you helped mea in your loan
[00:20:05] Bizarre waters never liked ay ni de ay ay Ling go a deeper its re silent steal the scene a m ur ry I wanna fill re happy well is in a bee hive what you were the a like you never hear its like you always hear ti ly in de re en ka si ki los ri ri Ye be one of a kind in sc ri Di Han gar where are you NAO
[00:21:05] Alone are you thinking about money has all los built for e iu NAO NAO where are you NAO in ever thought I thought you were my dream every breath you re here with mi re sol es here ho ni Lao Gong
[00:21:36] Well I know you NAO m fe Ling you NAO
[00:21:48] 非黑m ur ry d all ready to forget
[00:21:56] For are are you were arch NAO where are you NAO do you know the har I wanna tell you that we re re the way to u s tri k ri I dont care rite what u Di te si ro
[00:22:50] 这一刻
[00:22:51] 突然觉得好
[00:22:54] 熟悉
[00:22:58] 像昨天今天同时在放映
[00:23:05] 我这句语气
[00:23:07] 原来好想你
[00:23:13] 不就是我们爱过的成句
[00:23:21] 差一点骗了自己骗看你
[00:23:29] 爱与被爱
[00:23:31] 不一订成正比
[00:23:37] 我知道被疼是一种运气
[00:23:44] 但我无法完全交出自己
[00:23:52] 努力为你改变
[00:23:54] 却变不了预留的伏线
[00:24:00] 以为在你身边na 也算永远
[00:24:07] 仿佛还是昨天
[00:24:09] 可是昨天已非常遥远
[00:24:15] 但闭上我双眼我还看得见
[00:24:23] 可惜不是你
[00:24:27] 陪我到最后
[00:24:31] 曾一起走爵走势
[00:24:34] Na 路口
[00:24:38] 感谢那是你牵过我的手
[00:24:45] 还能感受呢
[00:24:50] 温柔
[00:25:21] 那一段
[00:25:22] 我们曾心贴着心
[00:25:29] 我想我更有权利关心你
[00:25:36] 可能你走进别人风景
[00:25:44] 多希望也有星光的投影
[00:25:51] 努力为你改变
[00:25:53] 却变不了预留的伏线
[00:25:59] 以为在你身边na 也算永远
[00:26:06] 仿佛还是昨天
[00:26:08] 可是昨天已非常有用
[00:26:14] 但闭上我双眼
[00:26:16] 我还看得见得
[00:26:22] 可惜不是你
[00:26:26] 陪我到最后
[00:26:29] 曾一起走爵走进那路口
[00:26:37] 感谢那是你牵过我的手
[00:26:44] 还能感受那温柔啊
[00:27:03] 总是那路口
[00:27:07] 感谢的是你
[00:27:11] 牵过我的手
[00:27:14] 还能感受na 温柔
[00:27:22] 感谢那是你
[00:27:26] 牵过我的手
[00:27:30] 还能温暖我温暖
[00:27:37] 熊
[00:27:40] 坑啊吴
- The Conjuring(Randy Burns Mix|Explicit) [Megadeth]
- Let Your Love Flow [Del Reeves&Billie Jo Spea]
- Don’t Make A Sound [Azure Ray]
- General Hospital [Alcatrazz]
- 底线 [陈明恩]
- 传奇源忆 [唐瑞韩]
- Timeout [Annalia]
- Chanson [Yves Montand]
- 我是一只雁 [韩再芬]
- Sit Vanaand Op Herhaal [Vaughan Gardiner]
- La dame patronnesse [Jacques Brel]
- Calypso Italiano [Dalida]
- Die Young(Bossa Mix) [Bossa Nova]
- The Swiss Made [Del Shannon]
- Live It Up [Jenny]
- Wild Thing [70s Greatest Hits&The 60’]
- 恍如隔世 [余李绍]
- Jeanie, Jeanie, Jeanie [Eddie Cochran]
- My Fondest Childhood Memories [Macy Gray]
- Linger Awhile(Live) [Sarah Vaughan]
- Gimme Gimme Gimmer(Karaoke Version) [Vee Sing Zone]
- Lost April(Remaster) [Nat King Cole&George Shea]
- Jesli Czegos Pragniesz(Radio Edit) [Feel]
- Smile [Nat King Cole]
- WAVE [凤冴Sae]
- Going To Memphis [Johnny Cash]
- Walking In The Rain [The Ronettes]
- Jingle Bell Rock [Chet Atkins]
- 夜光杯 [闫莉]
- 3月31日 ( ..) [Soulstar]
- Honest I Do [Jimmy Reed]
- 爱让梦想来 [童精彩爱心合唱团]
- It’s Tricky - (Tribute To Run Dmc Vs Jason Nevins) [Original Cartel]
- Brahms Lullaby [Children’s Choir]
- The Difference Between Us [Studio Musicians]
- Pick Me Up On Your Way Down [The Hit Crew]
- 惑星タイマー(album ver.) [スキマスイッチ]
- Diana [Paul Anka]
- Take Me Back To My Boots And Saddle [Gene Autry]
- 何必打扰 [古巨基]
- Wings To Fly [Maestro Fields]