《20180416期 E-time》歌词

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:08] 萦绕在机电上空的声音牵动着你我的思绪
[00:00:13] 游走在我们双耳的音律
[00:00:15] 诉说着情感的故事
[00:00:17] 在这里
[00:00:18] 我们记录青葱的岁月
[00:00:20] 分享你我的精彩
[00:00:22] 在偌大的校园
[00:00:24] 每天都有不同的精彩
[00:00:26] 在幽静的校闹
[00:00:28] 会有声音穿透你我的耳畔
[00:00:31] 广播台给你的天空画上一道绚丽的色彩
[00:00:35] 给你的青春留下一道美丽的风景
[00:00:58] You are listening to 的radio station of an tho mechanical and electrical college
[00:01:06] 您现在收听到的是广东机电职业技术学院广播台
[00:01:19] 嗨
[00:01:19] 我的ID 啊
[00:01:22] 这里有最地道的情景
[00:01:24] 口语秀KKC 光影留声代理
[00:01:27] 王长影音大世界美剧英剧电影一网打尽
[00:01:32] 世界地理万花筒带你领略大千风景要你好看
[00:01:36] 每周一下午05 :30 一趟为您带来最新鲜的英语资讯m to here there everywhere 沟哈喽
[00:01:51] 大家下午好
[00:01:52] 现在是2018年4月16日周一下午
[00:01:56] 05 :30
[00:01:58] 您现在收听到的是一看栏目
[00:02:01] 我是主播appel sixteen thousand and eighteen you are listening in time progress ion here
[00:02:09] 我是你们的主播
[00:02:11] 一小段音乐过后一起来收听今天的节目速报不要走开哦
[00:02:22] 下面是本期e tam 的节目速报
[00:02:26] 诗歌美文为大家带来我不属于你
[00:02:29] 世界地理万花筒
[00:02:31] 将给大家带来漂了132 年
[00:02:34] 世界上最古老的漂流瓶终于上岸精彩解说英语广角给大家带来成功的三个要素
[00:02:42] 你跌倒了吗
[00:03:26] 哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒的哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒har
[00:03:53] 那人哪啊
[00:04:11] 我从来都不属于你
[00:04:13] I m not I m not yours not lost in you not lost although I m long Cha b Les at the candle lid at noon and c 我不属于你
[00:04:32] 你也没有沉溺于你
[00:04:35] 尽管我是如此的si g 项政务的蜡烛融化
[00:04:41] 像雪花融汇在大海里
[00:04:44] U Lu red mi and I fight you steal a spirit beautiful and bread
[00:04:55] YESINI
[00:04:56] He longs To Be
[00:04:59] Lost the light is lost in life
[00:05:05] 你爱我
[00:05:07] 我也知道
[00:05:09] 你依然是一个精灵
[00:05:11] 聪明又美丽
[00:05:14] 可我就是我
[00:05:16] 渴望着像光一样迷失在光里
[00:05:22] Brandt me deep in love my senses leave me deaf and blind swept by de temp us of your love
[00:05:34] A tape or in a rushing wind
[00:05:38] 啊
[00:05:39] 将我深深地抛进爱里吧
[00:05:41] 灭掉我的心智
[00:05:43] 让我耳聋眼眯
[00:05:46] 卷入你爱的暴风雨
[00:05:48] 做狂风中的鲜竹一枝
[00:05:59] 生活有时候就是很奇妙
[00:06:02] 那些巧合
[00:06:03] 巧合到你不敢相信
[00:06:06] 漂了132 年
[00:06:08] 世界上最古老的漂流瓶终于上岸
[00:06:12] The words all these message in a bottle has been found on a beach in western Australia bi a couple who saw it may look on or book shelf told you may find one hundred and thirty two year all game bottle in de dem si nu ate Iceland in generally her husband came here an Cho guardian Australia she initially thought it was rubbish to pick it up because it had distinct res later ing and would be at home on their book shelf
[00:06:48] Inside she found a roll of paper paid in German and dated to twelve ju eighteen eighty six which was s ata k ty western Australia music it was an actually fix it would get better than Di si si s husband came the bottle had been through over board from de German SP ing ship Polar in eighteen eighty six
[00:07:15] As its close the Indian ocean nine hundred fifty kilometer from the Australian cost according to Rose and us and them using a system character of Mary Tom acura g
[00:07:30] At that time German ships were conducted or sixty nine year experiment that involves three thousands of bottle into dc to check the ocean current each message was mark with de ship Scott umm is the data in de name of the ship which Edison used to verify de message his finding was confirmed he expects the German level of salvatore the previous recall for de old is message in a bottle was one hundred years
[00:08:06] 你若想着不经过曲折
[00:08:09] 总是一帆风顺就得到成功
[00:08:11] 这种想法只是幻想
[00:08:13] 成功的三个要素
[00:08:15] 你接到了吗
[00:08:17] Success is so much more than trans mon e or film success is about being able to a live a happy and fulfilled life that allows you To Be true to who you are ready r if you want to have a successful life if you want to create a life that makes you a person ate life here are de three things you need to focus on well believe in yourself if you dont believe in yourself Hao do you expect other people to if you dont believe that you can have the love you desire if you dont believe that you can achieve all that you are sitting out to achieve its going To Be very difficult to create a successful life when you believe in yourself it feels your credit in your ambition in your motivation to do things
[00:09:17] So help you to take a leave of face when you come To Going after what is that u ti Liz er Le tu know your intention is your intention is simply route ID in money and Phil trans are you are never going to cheer feel successful the feeling of the saturday is giving through money and you its only temporary and its not in love tu si EST ul ONG time feeling of full human and happiness for a truly successful life your intention has To Be rated in your passion and in what feels put to you when your intention is to serve your paper to make a change in their work and explore your gifts and tell us you would feel true success and its application no matter what the outcome
[00:10:53] Does Tom is to say goodbye to everyone where to de next period of time to listen I hope you all have a good mood everyday
[00:11:03] 由于时间的关系
[00:11:05] 今天的e tam 就到这里了
[00:11:07] 感谢广播台的播音员、技术员、编辑员、以及策划员们
[00:11:11] 下星期见see you next week
[00:11:52] 村里的姑娘
[00:11:55] 她叫小芳
[00:11:58] 长得好看
[00:12:00] 它又闪了一双美丽的大眼睛
[00:12:09] 辫子粗悠长
[00:12:16] 啊
[00:12:19] 嗯
[00:12:22] 再回首
[00:12:23] 只讲的那个晚上
[00:12:27] 你和我来到小河旁
[00:12:33] 从未流过的泪水随着小河旁
[00:12:48] 谢谢你给我的答案
[00:12:54] 今生今世我不王法
[00:12:59] 谢谢你给我的温柔伴我度过那个
[00:13:12] 啊
[00:13:17] 啊
[00:13:29] 这里有个谷
[00:13:31] 有个叫小芳
[00:13:34] 长得好看她又伤了一双美丽的大眼睛
[00:13:45] 变得SOU 昌啊
[00:13:52] 谢谢你给我的爱
[00:13:58] 今生今世我不忘怀
[00:14:03] 谢谢你给我的温柔
[00:14:09] 伴我度过那个年头
[00:14:16] 哈哈哈哈
[00:14:19] 哦
[00:14:21] 啦啦啦啦啦啦啊
[00:14:32] 多少次
[00:14:34] 我挥挥手
[00:14:35] 看看走过的路
[00:14:38] 重新祝福你
[00:14:40] 善良的姑娘
[00:14:43] 多少次我会回头走地路
[00:14:49] 我善良的姑娘
[00:14:52] 多少次会走啊
[00:14:55] 我站在巷口
[00:15:02] 怕啊
[00:15:16] 村里有个姑娘
[00:15:18] 她叫小芳啊
[00:15:21] 照得好看她又闪了一双美丽的大眼睛院子
[00:15:33] 所以u 长
[00:16:05] 大部分人让我学习
[00:16:07] 去看世俗的眼光
[00:16:13] 我认真学习了世俗眼光
[00:16:16] 世俗到天亮
[00:16:21] 一部外国电影
[00:16:23] 没听懂一句话
[00:16:25] 看完结局才是奢望
[00:16:29] 你看我多乖多聪明
[00:16:32] 多么听话
[00:16:33] 多奸诈杂
[00:16:38] 喝了几大碗啤酒才离开
[00:16:41] 是为了模仿
[00:16:46] 一出门不下辛苦的那副是谁的胸慌
[00:16:54] 你一天一口一个亲爱的对方多么不流行的模样
[00:17:03] 都应该来出发再出门闯荡
[00:17:06] 才会有人热情买账
[00:17:10] 要是能重来
[00:17:12] 我要选礼拜
[00:17:14] 几百年前做的好坏没那么多人在打谁能重来
[00:17:20] 我要选李白
[00:17:22] 至少我还能写写诗来澎湃逗逗年与
[00:17:27] 该让谁当重来
[00:17:29] 如果要选李白创作
[00:17:31] 也能到那么高端
[00:17:34] 被那么多人崇拜
[00:17:38] 潮汐东风来
[00:17:41] 喝几大碗米酒再离开
[00:17:44] 是为了模范
[00:17:49] 业主们不少辛苦的那副是谁的胸膛
[00:17:57] 你1.1口一个亲爱的对方多么不流行的模样
[00:18:05] 都应该练练书法
[00:18:07] 再出门闯荡
[00:18:09] 才会有人热情买账
[00:18:13] 要是等就来
[00:18:15] 我要选礼拜
[00:18:17] 几百年前做的好坏没那么多人才
[00:18:21] 要是能重来
[00:18:23] 可我有些李白
[00:18:25] 至少我还能写写诗来澎湃逗逗
[00:18:29] 粤语版要是能重来
[00:18:31] 如果要选李白创作
[00:18:34] 也能到那么高端
[00:18:36] 被那么多人崇拜
[00:18:41] 有谁能放开
[00:18:48] 嗯
[00:18:49] 哦
[00:18:55] 嗯
[00:18:56] 嗯
[00:18:56] 嗯
[00:19:13] 嗯
[00:19:14] 消失的很痛
[00:19:17] 我要选李白
[00:19:20] 几百年前做的好坏没那么多人才
[00:19:24] 要是能重来
[00:19:26] 我要选李白
[00:19:28] 至少我还能写写诗来澎湃
[00:19:31] 逗逗你
[00:19:32] 回头重来
[00:19:34] 如果要选李白创作也能到那么高端
[00:19:39] 被那么多人崇拜
[00:19:44] 要是能做吗
[00:19:54] 几
[00:20:35] 那时候我以为爱的是生活
[00:20:41] 也算懂得什么适合什么不可
[00:20:48] 最近还是一样努力着配合你的性格
[00:20:54] 你的追求着你的坎坷
[00:20:58] 我开的车
[00:21:01] 算一算虚度了多少个念头
[00:21:08] 彷佛足够写一套错爱的全株
[00:21:14] 如果以后你还想为谁浪费美好时候
[00:21:21] 眼泪只能在我的胸膛毫无保留
[00:21:31] 互相折磨到白头
[00:21:38] 愿上天决不放手
[00:21:45] 还是纠缠之后擦
[00:21:50] 又被人放大了自由
[00:21:58] 一个告别彩坤秀
[00:22:05] 感情又遭又相熟
[00:22:11] 如果我说不为你不罢休
[00:22:17] 谁能逼我将就
[00:22:28] 你问我为什么顽固而哲理
[00:22:34] 天下再大
[00:22:37] 总有人比你更合适
[00:22:41] 其实我觉得这样不值
[00:22:45] 可没选择放弃
[00:22:48] 你也主张别人都显得不过如此
[00:22:56] 衣裳折磨到白头
[00:23:03] 悲伤坚决不放手
[00:23:10] 开始纠缠之后擦油悲伤
[00:23:17] Song da 了自由
[00:23:23] 你的告别太温柔
[00:23:30] 感情又走又相熟
[00:23:36] 如果我说不为你不罢休
[00:23:42] 谁能与我将球
[00:23:54] 啊
[00:24:11] 把手给我相拥
[00:24:20] 互相折磨到白头
[00:24:26] 悲伤坚决不放手
[00:24:33] 开始纠缠之后
[00:24:38] 擦又被雪放大了自由
[00:24:46] 你的告别太温柔
[00:24:53] 感情又粽又相守
[00:25:00] 如果我说不吻你不罢休
[00:25:05] 谁能与我将就X men 不过江永雄
[00:26:05] 穿花里的风光
[00:26:07] 为原始的渴望战争
[00:26:12] 用完美的表情为脆弱的政治而成长
[00:26:20] 我冷漠的节奏
[00:26:21] 你焦急的等待
[00:26:23] 也困着
[00:26:27] 小无数生存在橱窗里的模特藤
[00:26:35] 不
[00:26:35] 除了光以外
[00:26:36] 我还能看见什么
[00:26:38] 除了光以外
[00:26:40] 我还能要求什么
[00:26:42] 除了你以外
[00:26:44] 还能依赖哪一个啊
[00:26:49] 在千里以外在呼喊的是什么
[00:26:53] 在百年以后想回忆的是什么
[00:26:57] 在离开以前能否再见na 一刻
[00:27:02] 记得你的眼睛将会亮着
[00:27:08] 我的手臂将会挥挥着
[00:27:11] 谁说世界早已没有选择啊
[00:27:18] 都盛着我会喜怒
[00:27:21] 你回来了
[00:27:22] 让几分钟停了为什么
[00:27:26] 至少证明我们还活着
[00:27:33] 香港整个蝴蝶为玫瑰的甜美尔飞着
[00:27:41] 小顽皮的小猫为明天的好听
[00:27:44] 而是于哲
[00:27:48] 时光烂了
[00:27:49] 是爱上透明的情节也觉得
[00:27:56] 是不能继续来住城里做模特
[00:28:03] 除了风雨外
[00:28:05] 我还能听到什么
[00:28:07] 除了钱以外
[00:28:08] 我还能拒绝什么
[00:28:11] 除了你以外
[00:28:12] 还能依赖那些啊
[00:28:18] 在这里以外
[00:28:19] 在乎干的是什么
[00:28:22] 在百年以后想回忆的是什么
[00:28:25] 在离开以前能否再见na 几个
[00:28:31] 记得你的眼睛将会亮着
[00:28:36] 我的手臂将回归着
[00:28:40] 谁说世界早已没有选择
[00:28:45] 怕我趁着我会虚度
[00:28:50] 你回来了
[00:28:51] 唱几分钟情歌为什么
[00:28:55] 至少证明我们还活着
[00:29:26] 好
[00:29:26] 记得你的眼睛转回两个
[00:29:32] 我的手臂将回归着
[00:29:35] 谁说世界早已没有选择
[00:29:42] 梦想着我会喜怒
[00:29:45] 你会爱了唱几分钟情歌
[00:29:49] 为什么至少证明我们还活着
- Nailbiter [Sister Sin]
- 对白:希望 [伍佰 And China Blue]
- Nothing’s Real But Love [Rebecca Ferguson]
- みちでバッタリ [矢野顕子]
- 6 Minutes Of Pleasure [LL Cool J]
- 追逐影子的人 [谢天笑]
- We Don’t Care (Like a Honey Badger) [DJ Antoine]
- 永远是朋友 [毛阿敏]
- Lannia Century [MIC男团]
- 江湖少年行 [田跃君]
- The Old Rugged Cross [Pat Boone]
- We Are Magic [Various Artists]
- Calandria pampa [Juan D’Arienzo]
- Il Pleut [Edith Piaf]
- Si tu me téléphones [Johnny Hallyday]
- No Sou Feliz Sem Você [Belo]
- 相信爱 [邓超]
- But Not For Me [Sam Cooke]
- 我知道(Live) [杨祖珺]
- Esperando para Atravessar a Rua [Tits]
- The Way U Do The Things U Do(Accapella Interlude) [T.O.K.]
- Ashen Eyes [Madrigal]
- 法海没人爱 [埖小迪&冷弦]
- 美丽的心 [褚桐羽]
- I Saw A Man Start [Johnny Cash]
- The River Seine [Dean Martin]
- 沉香醉墨 [琴剑]
- I Know It’s Over(Live in Boston) [The Smiths]
- The Universal [Blur]
- Tired of Sleeping [Suzanne Vega]
- 四季江南 [马新安]
- It Is You [Rejoice With Us]
- The Cat Came Back [The Kiboomers]
- Once Too Often [Ella Fitzgerald]
- Eu Vou Te Amar [Tchê Garotos]
- Everything I Do [Music Factory]
- Dream All Day [Daniel Glen Timms]
- We Need Love(Album Version) [Johnny Osbourne]
- Le Feu Des Gitans [Enrico Macias]
- 就让我寂寞吧 [群星]
- Let My Love Open the Door [Natalie Imbruglia]