《Medicine Ball(Explicit)》歌词

[00:00:02] Oh My Goodness
[00:00:03] 我的天
[00:00:03] What have I done
[00:00:06] 我做了什么
[00:00:06] Oh no
[00:00:09] 我不敢相信
[00:00:09] I can't believe it
[00:00:10] 就像
[00:00:10] It's like
[00:00:14] 整个世界在我手心
[00:00:14] I've got the whole world in my palms
[00:00:19] 我准备放下
[00:00:19] And I'm ready to drop
[00:00:21] 欢迎来到美丽的麦加,丽贝卡
[00:00:21] Welcome to the Slim Shady Mecca Rebecca
[00:00:23] 这是纽约的小村庄
[00:00:23] It's the village in New York
[00:00:24] 丽贝卡的右边
[00:00:24] Right next to the TriBeCa
[00:00:25] 是我的地盘
[00:00:25] That's my sector
[00:00:27] 同性恋群体
[00:00:27] Homosexual dissector
[00:00:27] 来吧,重新选择
[00:00:27] Come again rewind selector
[00:00:31] 精美的直肠
[00:00:31] I said nice rectum
[00:00:32] 我有药物
[00:00:32] I had a vasectomy Hector
[00:00:34] 所以你不会怀孕
[00:00:34] So you can't get pregnant if I buy sex and erect ya'
[00:00:37] 汉尼拔在亲热
[00:00:37] Hannibal Lecter into guy sex
[00:00:38] 我在逗弄他
[00:00:38] And I bet ya' I tantalize ya'
[00:00:41] 低于五分钟我得到了
[00:00:41] And in less than 5 seconds I get ya'
[00:00:42] 他们说一次会被打两次会害羞
[00:00:42] They say once bitten and twice shy will lie
[00:00:44] 那小伙旁边
[00:00:44] Next to the guy with
[00:00:45] 有九片令人狂喜的药
[00:00:45] Nine e*****y pills and 5 extra
[00:00:47] 包装精美
[00:00:47] Boxes of ripped condoms and quantities
[00:00:49] 为什么不呢
[00:00:49] Why yes sir
[00:00:50] 我带着剩下的
[00:00:50] I took the rest of the Lunesta pills from my dresser
[00:00:53] 那是我的,我还应该做什么
[00:00:53] That's my kind of vibe what else should I try Lester
[00:00:55] 踢了那个坏女人
[00:00:55] Drop kicked the b**ch before her second trimester
[00:00:58] 我猜想在家和德克斯特表演
[00:00:58] Performed a home-abortion with Dexter then I guess
[00:01:00] 我将和她亲热
[00:01:00] I'll dig a fetus out with a wire hanger then digest her
[00:01:02] //
[00:01:02] Chorus
[00:01:03] 猜想
[00:01:03] Guess it's
[00:01:04] 时间
[00:01:04] Time
[00:01:04] 对于你
[00:01:04] For you
[00:01:05] 再次讨厌我
[00:01:05] To hate me again
[00:01:06] 让我们现在开始
[00:01:06] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:01:09] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:01:09] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:01:11] 世界就是药丸,你就在之中
[00:01:11] The world is just my medicine ball you're all in
[00:01:13] 我说
[00:01:13] I said
[00:01:14] 猜想
[00:01:14] Guess it's
[00:01:15] 时间
[00:01:15] Time
[00:01:15] 对于你
[00:01:15] For you
[00:01:16] 再次讨厌我
[00:01:16] To hate me again
[00:01:16] 让我们现在开始
[00:01:16] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:01:19] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:01:19] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:01:22] 你是我的救命稻草,朋友
[00:01:22] My medicine ball you're in my medicine ball friends
[00:01:24] //
[00:01:24] Verse 2
[00:01:25] 坏女人扔进东西
[00:01:25] All my West side b**ches throw it up
[00:01:27] 我放进东西在她的身体里
[00:01:27] Put a balloon inside your p**sy
[00:01:28] 流出东西让它变干
[00:01:28] Weep and blow it up
[00:01:30] 我想伊戈尔会给她小费
[00:01:30] Man I think that Egers fell off the tip( )
[00:01:32] 而且保持狂热
[00:01:32] And showin' nuts
[00:01:32] 你最好改变你保持的状态
[00:01:32] So you better change the station to keep
[00:01:34] 向上扔
[00:01:34] From throwing up
[00:01:35] 你之前看见的
[00:01:35] Man you've seen it all before
[00:01:36] 你所有的都熟悉它
[00:01:36] Your all too familiar wit' it
[00:01:38] 这儿有东西在地上
[00:01:38] There's a penis on the floor
[00:01:39] 和两个球
[00:01:39] And two balls
[00:01:40] 你知道谁做的
[00:01:40] So you know who did it
[00:01:41] 你知道你想要
[00:01:41] You know you wit' it girl
[00:01:42] 不要靠前
[00:01:42] Don't front
[00:01:42] 你不要
[00:01:42] Oh no you didn't
[00:01:43] 我不会和毛绒玩具亲热
[00:01:43] I won't R**e all the Pussycat Dolls
[00:01:45] 尼克,你在开玩笑吗
[00:01:45] Nicole you kiddin'
[00:01:46] 看吧,我向蕾哈娜撒尿
[00:01:46] I'll pee on Rihanna see man
[00:01:47] 我做我想做的
[00:01:47] I'll do what I wanna
[00:01:48] 桑拿浴中的香气
[00:01:48] Spray perfume in a sauna
[00:01:49] 来自格鲁和曼德拉
[00:01:49] Run Crazy Glue and Madonna
[00:01:51] 来自沙发上的懒男孩
[00:01:51] To the La-Z-Boy sofa
[00:01:51] 坐在她旁边
[00:01:51] Fold her in two( ) then sit on her
[00:01:53] 想想这个画面
[00:01:53] Imagine the visual for that man
[00:01:55] 谁能想到我
[00:01:55] Who woulda thought I
[00:01:56] 谁能不间断地这样
[00:01:56] Could ever be such a relentless
[00:01:57] 扯断皮带捆住他的手
[00:01:57] Break a leash in his fingers( )
[00:01:59] 但是很冷
[00:01:59] But the chick's so old
[00:02:00] 她看起来才走出宣判的阴影
[00:02:00] She looks like she out-lived a life sentence
[00:02:02] 我没这么想过
[00:02:02] I never meant this
[00:02:03] 会有如此攻击性
[00:02:03] Line to be so offensive
[00:02:04] 如果你不防御
[00:02:04] If you weren't so defensive
[00:02:05] 他不会使你
[00:02:05] It wouldn't be
[00:02:06] 太敏感
[00:02:06] You're so sensitive
[00:02:07] //
[00:02:07] Chorus
[00:02:08] 猜想
[00:02:08] Guess it's
[00:02:08] 是时候
[00:02:08] Time
[00:02:08] 对于你
[00:02:08] For you
[00:02:09] 再次讨厌我
[00:02:09] To hate me again
[00:02:10] 让我们现在开始
[00:02:10] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:02:12] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:02:12] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:02:15] 世界就是药丸,你就在之中
[00:02:15] The world is just my medicine ball you're all in
[00:02:17] 我说
[00:02:17] I said
[00:02:18] 猜想
[00:02:18] Guess it's
[00:02:19] 时间
[00:02:19] Time
[00:02:19] 对于你
[00:02:19] For you
[00:02:20] 再次讨厌我
[00:02:20] To hate me again
[00:02:21] 让我们现在开始
[00:02:21] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:02:23] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:02:23] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:02:25] 世界就是药丸,你就在之中
[00:02:25] My medicine ball you're in my medicine ball friends
[00:02:28] //
[00:02:28] Verse 3
[00:02:29] 把克里斯多夫放在
[00:02:29] Put Christopher Reeves on a
[00:02:30] 单轮车上
[00:02:30] Unicycle with a kickstand
[00:02:31] 用脚一推就会带领他走
[00:02:31] Kick it up and push him and lead him
[00:02:34] 平稳而迅速
[00:02:34] Right into quicksand
[00:02:34] 你需要帮忙
[00:02:34] Here you need a hand big man
[00:02:36] 抓住这个树枝
[00:02:36] Grab hold of this branch
[00:02:37] 两只手
[00:02:37] With both hands
[00:02:38] 他们不了解
[00:02:38] Man they don't understand
[00:02:38] 我是个坏人
[00:02:38] I'm just a sick man
[00:02:39] 现在所有人都在骂我
[00:02:39] Now everybody's pissed at me
[00:02:41] 就像是我的错
[00:02:41] Like it's my fault
[00:02:42] 这个有许多不同单词的名字很押韵
[00:02:42] This name rhymes with so many different words
[00:02:44] 古兹
[00:02:44] Geez
[00:02:44] 最后一次
[00:02:44] So one last time Mr Christopher Reeves
[00:02:47] 和我一起
[00:02:47] Won't you break it down for me
[00:02:49] 请写首诗
[00:02:49] And just spit the verse please
[00:02:50] 艾尼蒙和克里斯多夫
[00:02:50] Eminem As Christopher Reeves
[00:02:51] 艾尼蒙我将杀了你
[00:02:51] Eminem I'm coming to k**l you
[00:02:52] 我经常讨厌你
[00:02:52] Always hated you and I still do
[00:02:55] 你不适合我的脚
[00:02:55] You'll never fill my shoes my Superman costume
[00:02:56] 没有什么适合你
[00:02:56] Doesn't even fit you
[00:03:00] 他们不喜欢你
[00:03:00] They don't feel you
[00:03:01] 你带着欺骗走远
[00:03:01] You're taking this sh*t too far
[00:03:03] 你认为你是谁
[00:03:03] Who do you think you are
[00:03:04] 穿着我的衣服
[00:03:04] Hang my suit up in the armoire
[00:03:06] 每天我都会加倍讨厌你
[00:03:06] Everyday I hate you more and more
[00:03:08] 扔掉卡纸板
[00:03:08] Throw down the cardboard
[00:03:09] 让我们开始跳舞
[00:03:09] Let's breakdance if you think you're hardcore
[00:03:10] //
[00:03:10] Chorus
[00:03:11] 猜这是
[00:03:11] Guess it's
[00:03:12] 时间
[00:03:12] Time
[00:03:13] 对于你
[00:03:13] For you
[00:03:13] 再次讨厌我
[00:03:13] To hate me again
[00:03:15] 让我们现在开始
[00:03:15] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:03:16] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:03:16] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:03:19] 世界就是药丸,你就在之中
[00:03:19] The world is just my medicine ball you're all in
[00:03:21] 我说
[00:03:21] I said
[00:03:22] 猜想
[00:03:22] Guess it's
[00:03:23] 时间
[00:03:23] Time
[00:03:23] 对你
[00:03:23] For you
[00:03:24] 再次讨厌我
[00:03:24] To hate me again
[00:03:24] 让我们现在开始
[00:03:24] Let's begin now hand me the pen
[00:03:27] 我怎么开始怎么结束
[00:03:27] How should I begin it and where does it all end
[00:03:30] 你是我的救命稻草,朋友
[00:03:30] My medicine ball you're in my medicine ball friends
[00:03:32] //
[00:03:32] Outro
[00:03:37] 世界就是我的
- When They Ring Them Golden Bells(LP版) [Natalie Merchant]
- 完美的一天 [古巨基]
- 每当想起你 [叶丽仪]
- Hard Day [George Michael]
- Mekurumekuru* [Yun*chi]
- Somebody to Love(Instrumental) [Jack Beats]
- Come Into The House Of The Lord(Album Version) [Marty Stuart And His Fabu]
- Phoenix [Marketa Irglova]
- 有没有想我(慢摇版) [索南扎西]
- 美丽的时节 [星[Star]]
- Southern Drawl [Jon Langston]
- 美丽的眷恋 [林慧萍]
- Real Love [Mary J. Blige]
- I Left My Heart In San Francisco [Brenda Lee]
- Clear As The Driven Snow [The Doobie Brothers]
- Prison Oval Rock [Barrington Levy]
- Big Time Rush [Big Time Rush]
- Day In - Day Out [Nat King Cole]
- These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You) [Frank Sinatra]
- Helpless [The Platters]
- Like Someone in Love [Chet Baker&Frankie Laine]
- All I Want for Christmas Is You [Greatest Christmas Songs&]
- Surfin’ Bird [Pub Dog]
- Be Like The Kettle And Sing [Auf Weidersehen Sweethear]
- Panic In Detroit(Live|2005 Mix|2016 Remastered Version) [David Bowie]
- Sweet Harmony (Reconstructed)(Reconstructed) [New Life Generation]
- Il est tout pour moi [Franoise Hardy]
- Silent Night, Holy Night [Milos Vujovic]
- Plus Je T’embrasse [Blossom Dearie]
- Silhouette(Demo) [Tom Grennan]
- Beyond The Reef [Vic Damone]
- I Thought I’d Seen Everything [Bryan Adams]
- Without A Song [Willie Nelson]
- Blue Side of Town The (In the Style of Patty Loveless)(Karaoke Version) [Ameritz Karaoke Entertain]
- On the Road Again [Ameritz Tribute Club]
- Get The Funk Out Ma Face(Re-Recorded) [The Brothers Johnson&Quin]
- Ha Ha, Said The Clown [The Yardbirds]
- Keep Me in Mind [The Hit Crew]
- Cherish [The Association]
- C’était mon copain(Remastered) [Gilbert Bécaud]
- Infectious [Tobu]
- 习惯没有你 [聂诗]