

所属专辑: Movie 歌手: Hoodie Allen 时长: 03:59

[00:00:00] Movie (电影) (explicit) - Hoodie Allen (胡迪·艾伦)

[00:00:22] 腾讯享有翻译作品的著作权

[00:00:22] Check it

[00:00:22] 她有对像她妈妈一样的翘臀

[00:00:22] She got an a** like her mama's

[00:00:24] 称之为茱莉亚·罗伯茨

[00:00:24] Call that Julia Roberts

[00:00:25] 这个漂亮的女人很疯狂

[00:00:25] This pretty lady is crazy

[00:00:26] 因为她沉迷于戏剧

[00:00:26] Cause she addicted to drama

[00:00:28] 我试着维持浪漫

[00:00:28] I'm tryna keep it romantic

[00:00:29] 我想是马修·迈康纳

[00:00:29] I'm like Matthew McConaugh

[00:00:31] 不需要做个侦探

[00:00:31] Don't need to be a detective

[00:00:32] 找出她想要的

[00:00:32] To figure out that she want it

[00:00:33] 她骑着车喜欢到处逛

[00:00:33] She ride around in a Cadi

[00:00:35] 可能是她爸爸买的

[00:00:35] Probably bought by her father

[00:00:36] 她喜欢听老歌

[00:00:36] She loves to listen to oldies

[00:00:38] 她的发型像麦当娜

[00:00:38] And wear her hair like Madonna

[00:00:39] 她告诉她爸爸我是个医生

[00:00:39] She tell her dad I'm a doctor

[00:00:41] 我觉得她很笨

[00:00:41] I think that she clueless

[00:00:42] 我只在上过个电视

[00:00:42] I only play one on TV

[00:00:43] 就像我是个年轻的乔治·克鲁尼

[00:00:43] Like I'm a young George Clooney

[00:00:45] 我命中注定为电影而生

[00:00:45] Dawg I was destined for movies

[00:00:46] 长大后会变得更好

[00:00:46] Getting better when older

[00:00:47] 你需要

[00:00:47] You need to get (get)

[00:00:49] 保持干净

[00:00:49] That (that) dirt off your shoulder

[00:00:50] 如果你放松一些

[00:00:50] If you are slacking a bunch

[00:00:51] 停止吵闹

[00:00:51] Pack it up

[00:00:52] 沃尔伯格的粉丝

[00:00:52] Got a Wahlberg flow

[00:00:53] 创造高水平

[00:00:53] Packing a punch

[00:00:54] 比利麦迪逊

[00:00:54] Billy Madison

[00:00:54] 我从来不打包午餐

[00:00:54] I'm never packing a lunch

[00:00:55] 但我吃没有营养的快餐

[00:00:55] But I'm eating y'all raps

[00:00:56] 因为你常吃零食

[00:00:56] Cause you snacking it much

[00:00:57] 我只是个战士

[00:00:57] I'm just a fighter

[00:00:58] 一个完完全全的美国精神病说唱歌手

[00:00:58] An All-American psycho rapper

[00:01:00] 我是Minnie Driver

[00:01:00] I'm Minnie Driver

[00:01:00] 这些女孩疯了

[00:01:00] These girls crazy

[00:01:01] 并不是没有追随着

[00:01:01] There ain't no after

[00:01:02] 我在卡萨布兰卡

[00:01:02] I'm on that Casablanca

[00:01:03] 小心亲 这是经典对白哦

[00:01:03] Watch out homie this is classic

[00:01:05] 我的生活就是电视真人秀

[00:01:05] My life reality television

[00:01:07] 没有一刻不在演

[00:01:07] Ain't no one acting

[00:01:09] 这城市会属于我

[00:01:09] The city can be mine

[00:01:13] 但你只需要停下

[00:01:13] But you just need to stop

[00:01:15] 背好你的台词

[00:01:15] And learn your lines

[00:01:20] 嘿 女孩 让我们一起制作一部电影

[00:01:20] Hey girl well let's make a movie

[00:01:25] 你可以当我美丽的女主角

[00:01:25] You can be my leading lady beauty

[00:01:31] 拿好你的相机 不要害羞

[00:01:31] Grab your camera don't be shy

[00:01:33] 一切不总是黑白的

[00:01:33] Things ain't always black and white

[00:01:36] 我们可以让这个世界

[00:01:36] We can make this world

[00:01:38] 变成我们的电影

[00:01:38] Into our movie

[00:01:41] 这些人问我各种问题

[00:01:41] These people asking me questions

[00:01:43] 像是你是怎么做到的

[00:01:43] They like "how did you do it "

[00:01:44] 我们爆裂的场面

[00:01:44] Now the way we blowing up

[00:01:46] 这像是迈克尔·贝的电影

[00:01:46] It's like a Michael Bay movie

[00:01:47] 我有美丽的心灵

[00:01:47] I got a beautiful mind

[00:01:48] 这些美丽的女人也是如此

[00:01:48] So got these beautiful women

[00:01:50] 他们说你赢了一些

[00:01:50] They say you win some

[00:01:51] 也失去了一些

[00:01:51] And lose some

[00:01:52] 但我所做的是赢得一切

[00:01:52] But all I'm doing is winning

[00:01:52] 我的一生像是本杰明·巴顿

[00:01:52] My life like Benjamin Button

[00:01:54] 让我们回到未来

[00:01:54] Let's go back to the future

[00:01:55] 退回到2000年

[00:01:55] And start it back in 2000

[00:01:57] 只有一个麦克 一部电脑

[00:01:57] With just a mic and computer

[00:01:58] 我写着这些

[00:01:58] I was just writing these raps

[00:02:00] 试图让整个城市和我一起

[00:02:00] Trying to bring the whole city with me

[00:02:01] 我从家里独身一人出发

[00:02:01] I went from being Home Alone

[00:02:02] 现在我是里奇

[00:02:02] And now I'm Richie Richie

[00:02:04] 我将我的过去抛之脑后

[00:02:04] I put my old life behind me

[00:02:05] 在镜头前

[00:02:05] Jumped in front of the camera

[00:02:07] 我让这些女人味我疯狂

[00:02:07] I got these honeys going crazy

[00:02:08] 称之为杰西卡·奥尔芭

[00:02:08] Call that Jessica Alba

[00:02:09] 这些其他说唱歌手

[00:02:09] These other rappers are like

[00:02:11] 为什么他们不能

[00:02:11] How come they can't get

[00:02:12] 去我在的地方

[00:02:12] To where I did

[00:02:13] Vring,Johnny来了

[00:02:13] Vring vring here come Johnny

[00:02:14] 我耀发光芒

[00:02:14] Homie I'm shining

[00:02:15] 我让这些女人为我神魂颠倒

[00:02:15] I got bad b**ches on my dick

[00:02:17] 亲爱的 我辛苦熬夜

[00:02:17] Clips homie I'm grinding

[00:02:18] 很酷 他们回家

[00:02:18] It's so d**e they go home to

[00:02:20] 用数字录影机倒带

[00:02:20] TiVo and rewind it

[00:02:22] 苦苦挣扎的说唱歌手表演着

[00:02:22] Struggling rappers are acting

[00:02:23] 像服务员一样

[00:02:23] Like they some waiters now

[00:02:24] 他们忙着看着我

[00:02:24] They busy watching me

[00:02:25] 收拾得舒适点

[00:02:25] Make it homie

[00:02:26] 你会等一会儿

[00:02:26] You wait around

[00:02:28] 这城市会属于我

[00:02:28] The city can be mine

[00:02:32] 但你只需要停下

[00:02:32] But you just need to stop

[00:02:34] 背好你的台词

[00:02:34] And learn your lines

[00:02:39] 嘿 女孩 让我们一起制作一部电影

[00:02:39] Hey girl well let's make a movie

[00:02:44] 你可以当我美丽的女主角

[00:02:44] You can be my leading lady beauty

[00:02:49] 拿好你的相机

[00:02:49] Grab your camera

[00:02:51] 不要害羞

[00:02:51] Don't be shy

[00:02:52] 一切不总是黑白的

[00:02:52] Things ain't always black and white

[00:02:55] 我们可以让这个世界

[00:02:55] We can make this world

[00:02:57] 变成我们的电影

[00:02:57] Into our movie

[00:03:00] 这是你的眼吗

[00:03:00] Is it your eyes

[00:03:02] 这是你的发吗

[00:03:02] Is it your hair

[00:03:03] 这是你的眼神吗

[00:03:03] Is it your look

[00:03:05] 这是你的目光吗

[00:03:05] Is it your stare

[00:03:06] 我对着摄像头发誓 爱

[00:03:06] I swear the camera love

[00:03:07] 爱 我的爱

[00:03:07] Love love love

[00:03:09] 我对着摄像头发誓 我爱你

[00:03:09] I swear the camera love you

[00:03:12] 这是你的眼吗

[00:03:12] Is it your eyes

[00:03:13] 这是你的发吗

[00:03:13] Is it your hair

[00:03:14] 这是你的眼神吗

[00:03:14] Is it your look

[00:03:16] 这是你的目光吗

[00:03:16] Is it your stare

[00:03:17] 我试着喊咔

[00:03:17] I'm tryna cut cut

[00:03:19] 这是咔

[00:03:19] Oh this is the cut

[00:03:21] 导演的

[00:03:21] The director's cut

[00:03:24] 嘿 女孩 让我们一起制作一部电影

[00:03:24] Hey girl well let's make a movie

[00:03:29] 你可以当我美丽的女主角

[00:03:29] You can be my leading lady beauty

[00:03:35] 拿好你的相机

[00:03:35] Grab your camera

[00:03:36] 不要害羞

[00:03:36] Don't be shy

[00:03:37] 一切不总是黑白的

[00:03:37] Things ain't always black and white

[00:03:40] 我们可以让这个世界 变成我们的电影

[00:03:40] We can make this world into our movie

[00:03:45] 就让号角吹响
