歌手《Dylan Thomas》歌词列表:
- The Hand That Signed the Paper
- Author’s Prologue
- If I Were Tickled By the Rub of Love
- If My Head Hurt a Hair’s Foot
- Love in the Asylum
- In the White Giant’s Thigh
- Over Sir John’s Hill
- In My Craft
- Poem in October
- Fern Hill
- Fern Hill
- Over Sir John’s Hill
- In the White Giant’s Thigh
- Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
- In the White Giant’s Thigh
- A Refusal to Mourn the Death, By Fire, Of a Child in London
- After the Funeral
- Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines
- The Tombstone Told When She Died
- Broken Appointment by Thomas Hardy