
《Fern Hill》歌词

所属专辑: Reading His Complete Recorded Poetry 歌手: Dylan Thomas 时长: 04:00
Fern Hill

[00:00:00] Now as i was young and easy under the apple boughs

[00:00:04] About the lilting house and happy as the grass was

[00:00:08] Green

[00:00:09] The night above the dingle starry

[00:00:13] Time let me hail and climb

[00:00:15] Golden in the heydays of his eyes

[00:00:19] And honoured among wagons i was prince of the apple

[00:00:22] Towns

[00:00:23] And once below a time i lordly had the trees and leaves

[00:00:29] Trail with daisies and barley

[00:00:32] Down the rivers of the windfall light

[00:00:36] And as i was green and carefree famous among the barns

[00:00:41] About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home

[00:00:47] In the sun that is young once only

[00:00:50] Time let me play and be

[00:00:53] Golden in the mercy of his means

[00:00:56] And green and golden i was huntsman and herdsman the

[00:01:01] Calves

[00:01:02] Sang to my horn the foxes on the hills barked clear

[00:01:07] And

[00:01:08] Cold

[00:01:10] And the sabbath rang slowly

[00:01:13] In the pebbles of the holy streams

[00:01:17] All the sun long it was running it was lovely the hay

[00:01:21] Fields high as the house the tunes from the chimneys

[00:01:26] It was

[00:01:27] Air

[00:01:27] And playing lovely and watery

[00:01:31] And fire green as grass

[00:01:35] And nightly under the simple stars

[00:01:37] As i rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away

[00:01:42] All the moon long i heard blessed among stables the

[00:01:47] Nightjars

[00:01:49] Flying with the ricks and the horses

[00:01:53] Flashing into the dark

[00:01:56] And then to awake and the farm like a wanderer white

[00:02:01] With the dew come back the cock on his shoulder it

[00:02:06] Was all

[00:02:07] Shining it was adam and maiden

[00:02:10] The sky gathered again

[00:02:12] And the sun grew round that very day

[00:02:16] So it must have been after the birth of the simple

[00:02:20] Light

[00:02:20] In the first spinning place the spellbound horses

[00:02:24] Walking

[00:02:25] Warm

[00:02:26] Out of the whinnying green stable

[00:02:29] On to the fields of praise

[00:02:33] And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house

[00:02:38] Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was

[00:02:43] Long

[00:02:44] In the sun born over and over

[00:02:47] I ran my heedless ways

[00:02:50] My wishes raced through the house high hay

[00:02:54] And nothing i cared at my sky blue trades that time

[00:02:58] Allows

[00:02:59] In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning

[00:03:05] Songs

[00:03:06] Before the children green and golden

[00:03:10] Follow him out of grace

[00:03:14] Nothing i cared in the lamb white days that time

[00:03:18] Would

[00:03:19] Take me

[00:03:20] Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my

[00:03:23] Hand

[00:03:24] In the moon that is always rising

[00:03:28] Nor that riding to sleep

[00:03:29] I should hear him fly with the high fields

[00:03:33] And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless

[00:03:38] Land

[00:03:40] Oh as i was young and easy in the mercy of his means

[00:03:46] Time held me green and dying

[00:03:50] Though i sang in my chains like the sea

[00:03:55] Fern Hill - Dylan Thomas