

所属专辑: 4:44 (Explicit) 歌手: Jay-Z 时长: 04:44

[00:00:00] 4:44 (Explicit) (第60届格莱美年度歌曲/最佳说唱表演/最佳说唱合作提名歌曲) - Jay-Z (杰斯)

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Written by:Shawn Carter/Dion Wilson/Kanan Keeney

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Do I find it so hard

[00:00:04] 我发现这一切如此艰难

[00:00:04] When I know in my heart

[00:00:09] 当我了解自己的内心

[00:00:09] I'm letting you down everyday

[00:00:14] 每一天 我都让你失望透顶

[00:00:14] Letting you down everyday

[00:00:20] 每一天 都让你失望透顶

[00:00:20] Why do I keep on running away

[00:00:55] 为何我要一直奔波不停

[00:00:55] Look

[00:00:56] 与众多女孩暧昧不清 我深感抱歉

[00:00:56] I apologize often womanize

[00:00:59] 在我第一个孩子出生之时

[00:00:59] Took for my child to be born

[00:01:00] 我看到了人们眼中的质疑

[00:01:00] See through a woman's eyes

[00:01:02] 但随着双胞胎的出生 我相信了奇迹

[00:01:02] Took for these natural twins to believe in miracles

[00:01:04] 我沉寂了很长时间 才发布这首专辑

[00:01:04] Took me too long for this song

[00:01:06] 我配不上你 在Paris专辑发表之时 我公布了和你的关系

[00:01:06] I don't deserve you I harass you out in Paris

[00:01:10] 请回到我身旁 只有你在我的心才够完整

[00:01:10] Please come back to Rome you make it home

[00:01:13] 我们曾经无话不谈 你在旅行之中也会和我联系频繁

[00:01:13] We talked for hours when you were on tour

[00:01:15] 请接我的电话 接我的电话

[00:01:15] Please pick up the phone pick up the phone

[00:01:18] 我说不要让我难堪 而不是说做我的唯一

[00:01:18] Said don't embarrass me instead of be mine

[00:01:21] 这是我的建议 让我们确定恋爱关系

[00:01:21] That was my proposal for us to go steady

[00:01:24] 这是你的21岁生日 你比我成熟老练

[00:01:24] That was your 21st birthday you mature faster than me

[00:01:27] 我还没有做好准备 所以我很抱歉

[00:01:27] I wasn't ready so I apologize

[00:01:30] 我看到你褪去眼中的稚气

[00:01:30] I've seen the innocence leave your eyes

[00:01:32] 我仍然为这个逝去的生命感到哀痛 我为所有夭折的生命感到抱歉

[00:01:32] I still mourn this death I apologize for all the stillborns

[00:01:36] 因为我没有注意到你身体的异样

[00:01:36] 'Cause I wasn't pressing your body wouldn't accept it

[00:01:39] 我向曾经暧昧不清的女人道歉

[00:01:39] I apologize to all the woman whom I

[00:01:42] 因为我冷漠无情 玩弄了你们的感情

[00:01:42] Toyed with you emotions because I was emotionless

[00:01:45] 我很抱歉 因为你们对我付出了全心全意的爱

[00:01:45] I apologize 'cause at your best you are love

[00:01:49] 因为我没有兑现自己的诺言

[00:01:49] And because I fall short of what I say I'm all about

[00:01:52] 我可以得到你的身体 却得不到你的灵魂

[00:01:52] Your eyes leave with the soul that your body once housed

[00:01:55] 你茫然地凝视着天空

[00:01:55] And you stare blankly into space

[00:01:57] 一直想着自己白白浪费的感情

[00:01:57] Thinking of all the time you wasted in on all this basic sh*t

[00:02:00] 所以 我很抱歉

[00:02:00] So I apologize

[00:02:17] 我从未好好对你 我从未做好丈夫的本分

[00:02:17] I'm never gonna treat you never gonna treat you like I should

[00:02:36] 我很抱歉 我们的爱代表着一个时代 我要让我们的感情延续下去

[00:02:36] I apologize our love was one for the ages and I contained us

[00:02:41] 抛开一切流言蜚语 如今我们的舞台更加广阔

[00:02:41] And all this ratchet sh*t and we more expansive now

[00:02:44] 我们要选择在豪宅里孤独终老

[00:02:44] Meant to cry and die alone in these mansions

[00:02:46] 还是要互相扶持到老

[00:02:46] Or sleep with our back turned

[00:02:48] 我们应该外出度假 直到我们的背部被晒伤

[00:02:48] We're supposed to vacay 'til our backs burn

[00:02:51] 我们应该放声大笑 直到我们的心脏停止跳动

[00:02:51] We're supposed to laugh 'til our heart stops

[00:02:54] 我们可以驱散阴霾 迎来光明

[00:02:54] And then we end a space with a dark stop

[00:02:56] 让我们的爱尽情闪耀

[00:02:56] And let love light the way

[00:02:59] 我重蹈覆辙 为了保住颜面而伤害自己

[00:02:59] Like the men before me I cut off my nose to spite my face

[00:03:02] 我从未想过另寻新欢

[00:03:02] I never wanted another woman to know

[00:03:03] 除了你 我谁也不想要

[00:03:03] Something about me that you didn't know

[00:03:06] 我向你保证 如果无法拥你入怀 我会痛彻心扉

[00:03:06] I promised I cried I couldn't hold

[00:03:08] 我在爱里沦陷 我觉得需要做个了断

[00:03:08] I suck at love I think I need a do over

[00:03:10] 如果你陪在我身边 我就会得偿所愿

[00:03:10] I will be emotionally available if I invited you over

[00:03:14] 我忧心忡忡 你能否与我感同身受

[00:03:14] I stew over what if you over my sh*t

[00:03:24] 我从未好好对你 我从未做好丈夫的本分

[00:03:24] I'm never gonna treat you never gonna treat you like I should

[00:03:35] 如果将来我的孩子知道真相 我甚至不知道该怎么做

[00:03:35] And if my children knew I don't even know what I would do

[00:03:41] 如果他们也用异样的眼光看待我

[00:03:41] If they ain't look at me the same

[00:03:43] 我会无地自容

[00:03:43] I would prolly die with all the shame

[00:03:45] 你和谁在一起 干了什么

[00:03:45] You did what with who

[00:03:47] 当你已经拥有灵魂伴侣 陷入三角纠纷还有什么意义

[00:03:47] What good is a ménage à trois when you have a soulmate

[00:03:51] 你在自寻短路

[00:03:51] You risked that for Blue

[00:03:54] 如果我不是你心中的超级英雄

[00:03:54] If I wasn't a superhero in your face

[00:03:56] 我必须解释自己的错误 我的心会支离破碎

[00:03:56] My heart breaks for the day I had to explain my mistakes

[00:04:00] 等到揭掉面具 会发现一切美好都是梦境

[00:04:00] And the mask goes away and Santa Claus is fake

[00:04:05] 你会在网上明白一切真相

[00:04:05] And you go online and see

[00:04:07] 因为牙齿仙子都是虚幻的存在

[00:04:07] For Blue's tooth the tooth fairy didn't pay

[00:04:12] 我从未好好对你 我从未做好丈夫的本分
