
《Go Ahead》歌词

所属专辑: Loud Planes Fly Low 歌手: The Rosebuds 时长: 04:20
Go Ahead

[00:00:20] Go ahead and be my world

[00:00:25] 来吧 - Rosebuds

[00:00:25] And everything will be okay

[00:00:30] 来吧 成为我的全世界

[00:00:30] Just hide there in plain sight

[00:00:32] 一切都会好起来的

[00:00:32] Too big to see yeah to see

[00:00:38] 把心事藏在众目睽睽之下

[00:00:38] We'll have coffee and watch the strangers

[00:00:43] 未来无法预知 耶 无法预知

[00:00:43] Gather our letters and carry us further

[00:00:48] 我们将会喝点咖啡 看着来来往往的陌生人

[00:00:48] Diluted and faded still safely there

[00:00:53] 收集我们的信件 把我们带的更远些

[00:00:53] Still there still there

[00:01:14] 一切正在逐渐消退 可还是安然无恙的在那

[00:01:14] Go ahead let's plant a forest

[00:01:18] 还在那儿 还在那儿

[00:01:18] Where we can hide when the city expels us

[00:01:23] 来吧 让我们种下一片森林

[00:01:23] We can sleep in the branches

[00:01:26] 当城市驱赶我们时 那就是我们的藏身之处

[00:01:26] Our own little outpost in the trees

[00:01:32] 我们可以睡在树干上

[00:01:32] We'll plan ahead and cut a path

[00:01:36] 树林里有我们的的秘密基地

[00:01:36] So we can always sneak our way back

[00:01:41] 我们将会未雨绸缪 开辟一条小路

[00:01:41] And line it all with grapevines

[00:01:44] 那么我们就可以悄悄溜回去

[00:01:44] And keep them well tuned

[00:01:46] 用葡萄藤将这条路连成线

[00:01:46] So we can run

[00:01:48] 让它们相互协调

[00:01:48] We can run through

[00:02:08] 那么我们就可以奔跑

[00:02:08] Let's go ahead and grab our clothes

[00:02:12] 我们可以跑过去

[00:02:12] And walk together

[00:02:14] 让我们继续前进 抓紧我们的衣服

[00:02:14] Where the water knows us

[00:02:17] 让我们一同行走

[00:02:17] And toss them over the edge

[00:02:20] 仿佛周围的湖水都认识我们

[00:02:20] Into the lake and watch them sink

[00:02:26] 将它们扔到一边

[00:02:26] Let's make a pact set a date

[00:02:31] 掉到湖里 看着它们慢慢下沉

[00:02:31] Meet back up here at this same place

[00:02:35] 让我们做个约定 定个日期

[00:02:35] And maybe brim will make beds

[00:02:38] 就在老地方见个面

[00:02:38] In your dresses

[00:02:40] 你的裙摆随风翩跹

[00:02:40] In your dresses

[00:02:43] 你的裙摆

[00:02:43] In your dresses

[00:03:20] 你的裙摆

[00:03:20] Go ahead and leave two notes

[00:03:24] 你的裙摆

[00:03:24] And place them down inside old librarybooks

[00:03:29] 走吧 留下两张便条

[00:03:29] And fold back the pages

[00:03:31] 把它们放在古老的图书馆的书里面

[00:03:31] Put them back in their spaces undisturbed

[00:03:38] 将那几页折叠起来

[00:03:38] And we'll come back and see inside

[00:03:42] 把它们放在远离尘嚣的地方

[00:03:42] Who checked them out and if they replied

[00:03:47] 我们会回来看看里面的

[00:03:47] Or if they're still there unread and unanswered

[00:03:53] 一旦他们回复了 那么谁会来检查呢

[00:03:53] Quiet unread and unanswered

[00:03:58] 还是它们仍然原封不动地放在那
