
《Prologue/Look Down》歌词

Prologue/Look Down

[00:00:00] Prologue/Look Down - Les Misérables Live! The 2010 Cast

[00:01:06] //

[00:01:06] Look down, look down

[00:01:08] 低头,低头

[00:01:08] Don't look 'em in the eye

[00:01:11] 避开他们的眼神

[00:01:11] Look down, look down,

[00:01:14] 低头,低头

[00:01:14] You're here until you die

[00:01:16] 你们终将葬身这里

[00:01:16] The sun is strong

[00:01:19] 骄阳烈火

[00:01:19] It's hot as hell below

[00:01:22] 热得像在地狱一样

[00:01:22] Look down, look down,

[00:01:24] 低头,低头

[00:01:24] There's twenty years to go

[00:01:27] 还有二十年

[00:01:27] I've done no wrong!

[00:01:30] 我毫无过错

[00:01:30] Sweet Jesus hear my prayer!

[00:01:33] 耶稣,听我祷告

[00:01:33] Look down, look down,

[00:01:35] 低头,低头

[00:01:35] Sweet Jesus doesn't care

[00:01:38] 耶稣无动于衷

[00:01:38] I know she'll wait,

[00:01:40] 人们望眼欲穿

[00:01:40] I know that she'll be true!

[00:01:43] 我知道她会坚贞不渝

[00:01:43] Look down, look down,

[00:01:46] 低头,低头

[00:01:46] They've all forgotten you

[00:01:49] 她们早已忘记你

[00:01:49] When I get free you won't see me

[00:01:52] 一旦自由,休想再见到我

[00:01:52] Here for dust!

[00:01:55] 在此化为尘土

[00:01:55] Look down, look down

[00:01:57] 低头,低头

[00:01:57] Don't look 'em in the eye

[00:02:00] 避开他们的眼神

[00:02:00] How long O Lord

[00:02:02] 还有多久 主啊

[00:02:02] Before you let me die?

[00:02:05] 在你让我死之前

[00:02:05] Look down, look down,

[00:02:08] 低头,低头

[00:02:08] You'll always be a slave

[00:02:11] 你们终生为奴

[00:02:11] Look down, look down,

[00:02:13] 低头,低头

[00:02:13] You're standing in your grave

[00:02:17] 脚下泥土将是你坟墓

[00:02:17] Now bring me prisoner 24601

[00:02:19] 犯人24601

[00:02:19] Your time is up

[00:02:20] 你刑期结束

[00:02:20] And your parole's begun

[00:02:22] 假释开始

[00:02:22] You know what that means

[00:02:23] 知道这意味着什么

[00:02:23] Yes, it means I'm free

[00:02:26] 知道,我自由了

[00:02:26] NO!

[00:02:27] 你漫漫人生路

[00:02:27] It means you get

[00:02:28] 时刻都要出示这耻辱的黄纸

[00:02:28] Your yellow ticket-of-leave

[00:02:30] 你是恶徒

[00:02:30] You are a thief

[00:02:31] 我偷了一条面包

[00:02:31] I stole a loaf of bread!

[00:02:32] 你抢劫了一家人

[00:02:32] You robbed a house!

[00:02:33] 我打破了窗户

[00:02:33] I broke a window pane!

[00:02:37] 因为我妹妹的孩子即将饿死

[00:02:37] My sister's child was close to death

[00:02:40] 我们在挨饿

[00:02:40] And we were starving!

[00:02:42] 你还会挨饿

[00:02:42] And you will starve again

[00:02:43] 除非你牢记法律的含义

[00:02:43] Unless you learn the meaning of the law.

[00:02:46] 十九年来我早已牢记

[00:02:46] I know the meaning of those 19 years

[00:02:49] 沦为法律的奴隶

[00:02:49] A slave of the law

[00:02:53] 你本是五年刑期

[00:02:53] Five years for what you did

[00:02:55] 加刑是惩罚你想逃狱

[00:02:55] The rest because you tried to run

[00:02:58] 对24601

[00:02:58] Yes 24601

[00:03:00] 我叫冉阿让

[00:03:00] My name is Jean Valjean

[00:03:03] 我叫沙威

[00:03:03] And I am Javert

[00:03:05] 别忘了我的名字

[00:03:05] Do not forget my name

[00:03:08] 别忘了我

[00:03:08] Do not forget me

[00:03:10] 24601

[00:03:10] 24601

[00:03:14] 低头,低头

[00:03:14] Look down, look down

[00:03:16] 终生为奴

[00:03:16] You will always be a slave

[00:03:19] 低头,低头

[00:03:19] Look down, look down

[00:03:22] 脚下泥土将是你坟墓

[00:03:22] You're standing in your grave.

[00:03:40] 我自由了感觉多么奇特

[00:03:40] Freedom is mine. The earth is still.

[00:03:45] 我感觉到风的感觉可以自由呼吸

[00:03:45] I feel the wind. I breathe again.

[00:03:50] 天空放晴世界继续

[00:03:50] And the sky clears, the world is waking.

[00:04:00] 池中的酒怎样才能去掉味道

[00:04:00] Drink from the pool. How clean the taste

[00:04:05] 被剥夺的时光不能被忘记

[00:04:05] Never forget the years, the waste.

[00:04:10] 他们的所作所为不能被饶恕

[00:04:10] Nor forgive them, for what they've done.

[00:04:14] 他们才是罪人,每个人

[00:04:14] They are the guilty, everyone.

[00:04:19] 新的一天开始

[00:04:19] The day begins...

[00:04:20] 我们拭目以待

[00:04:20] And now let's see

[00:04:22] 这崭新的世界

[00:04:22] What this new world

[00:04:23] 将如何对待我

[00:04:23] Will do for me!

[00:04:38] 你必须离开

[00:04:38] You'll have to go

[00:04:39] 我要报复你

[00:04:39] I'll pay you off for the day

[00:04:40] 收集你的点点滴滴

[00:04:40] Collect your bits and pieces there

[00:04:41] 而且是在途中

[00:04:41] And be on your way.

[00:04:43] 你已给我一半

[00:04:43] You've given me half

[00:04:44] 其他人有什么

[00:04:44] What the other men get!

[00:04:46] 这些少量的马口铁

[00:04:46] This handful of tin

[00:04:47] 不需要买我的汗水

[00:04:47] Wouldn't buy my sweat!

[00:04:48] 你破坏了法律

[00:04:48] You broke the law

[00:04:49] 这里的人都看到了

[00:04:49] It's there for people to see

[00:04:51] 为什么你能得到一样的东西

[00:04:51] Why should you get the same

[00:04:52] 跟我一样诚实的人

[00:04:52] As honest men like me?

[00:04:53] 对了

[00:04:53] Right!

[00:04:56] 每一道门都对我关闭着

[00:04:56] Now every door is closed to me

[00:04:58] 另一个监狱和手铐

[00:04:58] Another jail, another key, another chain

[00:05:01] 当我走到任何城镇

[00:05:01] For when I come to any town

[00:05:02] 他们检查了我的黄纸

[00:05:02] They check my papers

[00:05:03] 他们找到罪恶的标志

[00:05:03] And they find the mark of Cain

[00:05:05] 在他们的眼里我看到了恐惧

[00:05:05] In their eyes, I see their fear:

[00:05:09] 我们不希望你在这里

[00:05:09] `We do not want you here.'

[00:05:26] 我的房间已满

[00:05:26] My rooms are full

[00:05:27] 没有多余的晚餐

[00:05:27] And I've no supper to spare

[00:05:29] 我想帮助陌生人

[00:05:29] I'd like to help a stranger

[00:05:30] 我们只想要公平

[00:05:30] All we want is to be fair

[00:05:33] 我会提前支付

[00:05:33] I will pay in advance

[00:05:33] 我可以睡在谷仓里

[00:05:33] I can sleep in a barn

[00:05:35] 你们看见世界有多黑暗

[00:05:35] You see how dark it is

[00:05:36] 我不是那样的人

[00:05:36] I'm not some kind of dog!

[00:05:38] 离开我的家

[00:05:38] You leave my house

[00:05:39] 感觉到自己的重量

[00:05:39] Or feel the weight of my rod

[00:05:40] 我们都是守法之人

[00:05:40] We're law-abiding people here

[00:05:42] 感谢上帝

[00:05:42] Thanks be to God.

[00:05:58] 现在我明白自由的感受了

[00:05:58] Now I know how freedom And feelsnow

[00:06:00] 狱卒随时跟在后面

[00:06:00] The jailer always at your heels

[00:06:01] 这就是王法

[00:06:01] It is the law!

[00:06:03] 我手里的黄纸

[00:06:03] This piece of paper in my hand

[00:06:04] 我诅咒整个国家

[00:06:04] That makes me cursed throughout the land

[00:06:05] 这就是王法

[00:06:05] It is the law!

[00:06:07] 像电流

[00:06:07] Like a cur

[00:06:08] 我走在街上

[00:06:08] I walk the street

[00:06:11] 脚底的垃圾

[00:06:11] The dirt beneath my feet.

[00:06:20] 来吧先生你疲惫不堪

[00:06:20] Come in, Sir, for you are weary

[00:06:25] 外面的寒夜刺骨

[00:06:25] And the night is cold out there.

[00:06:29] 尽管我们的生活是很卑微的

[00:06:29] Though our lives are very humble

[00:06:33] 但是我们有福共享

[00:06:33] What we have, we have to share.

[00:06:39] 用酒来帮你提神

[00:06:39] There is wine here to revive you,

[00:06:43] 面包会使你觉得有力量

[00:06:43] There is bread to make you strong,

[00:06:47] 在床上休息到天明

[00:06:47] There's a bed to rest till morning,

[00:06:51] 从痛苦中释放

[00:06:51] Rest from pain, and rest from wrong.

[00:06:58] 他让我好好吃饭

[00:06:58] He let me eat my fill

[00:06:59] 我有大量的工作要做

[00:06:59] I had the lion's share

[00:07:01] 我手里的银子

[00:07:01] The silver in my hand

[00:07:03] 比我挣的多两倍

[00:07:03] Cost twice what I had earned

[00:07:05] 才十九年

[00:07:05] In all those nineteen years

[00:07:07] 一生都感到绝望

[00:07:07] That lifetime of despair

[00:07:09] 但他仍然信任我

[00:07:09] And yet he trusted me.

[00:07:13] 那个老人信任我

[00:07:13] The old fool trusted me

[00:07:15] 他努力做好事

[00:07:15] He's done his bit of good

[00:07:17] 我扮演一个感激的奴仆

[00:07:17] I played the grateful serf

[00:07:18] 我应该感谢的是他

[00:07:18] And thanked him like I should

[00:07:21] 但是只要房子还在

[00:07:21] But when the house was still,

[00:07:22] 我会在夜晚起身

[00:07:22] I got up in the night

[00:07:26] 带上银器

[00:07:26] Took the silver

[00:07:27] 逃离

[00:07:27] Took my flight!

[00:07:43] 告诉他你的故事

[00:07:43] Tell his reverence your story.

[00:07:44] 让我们看看他是否有印象

[00:07:44] Let us see if he's impressed.

[00:07:46] 你昨晚在这里住宿

[00:07:46] You were lodging here last night.

[00:07:48] 你是诚实的主教的客人

[00:07:48] You were the honest Bishop's guest.

[00:07:50] 他有着基督教的美德

[00:07:50] And than out of Christian goodness.

[00:07:52] 当他得知你的困境

[00:07:52] When he learned about your plight

[00:07:54] 他让你保留那个银器

[00:07:54] You mantain he made a present of this sliver

[00:07:58] 对了

[00:07:58] That is right.

[00:08:00] 但我的朋友你那么早离开

[00:08:00] But my friend you left so early

[00:08:03] 肯定没有忘记什么

[00:08:03] Surley something slipped your mind.

[00:08:06] 你忘记这是我给你的

[00:08:06] You forgot I gave these also.

[00:08:09] 你忘记了最好的吧

[00:08:09] Would you leave the best behind?

[00:08:13] 所以先生们请放开他

[00:08:13] So, Messieurs, you may release him

[00:08:16] 男人说的都是真的

[00:08:16] For this man has spoken true.

[00:08:19] 我赞扬你尽职尽责

[00:08:19] I commend you for your duty

[00:08:22] 上帝与你同在

[00:08:22] And God's blessing go with you.

[00:08:29] 但是记住我的兄弟

[00:08:29] But remember this, my brother

[00:08:33] 看看更好的计划

[00:08:33] See in this some higher plan.

[00:08:38] 你一定要好好利用这些银器

[00:08:38] You must use this precious silver

[00:08:42] 成为一个诚实的人

[00:08:42] To become an honest man.

[00:08:48] 由伟人作证

[00:08:48] By the witness of the martyrs

[00:08:52] 激情和热血

[00:08:52] By the Passion and the Blood

[00:08:56] 神帮你走出黑暗

[00:08:56] God has raised you out of darkness

[00:09:01] 宽佑我的灵魂