
《20180402期 E-time栏目》歌词

20180402期 E-time栏目

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:08] 萦绕在机电上空的声音牵动着你我的思绪

[00:00:13] 游走在我们双耳的音律

[00:00:15] 诉说着情感的故事

[00:00:17] 在这里

[00:00:18] 我们记录青葱的岁月

[00:00:20] 分享你我的精彩

[00:00:22] 在偌大的校园

[00:00:24] 每天都有不同的精彩

[00:00:26] 在幽静的校闹

[00:00:28] 会有声音穿透你我的耳畔

[00:00:31] 广播台给你的天空画上一道绚丽的色彩

[00:00:35] 给你的青春留下一道美丽的风景

[00:00:58] You are listening to 的radio station of ground a mechanical and electrical college

[00:01:06] 您现在收听到的是广东机电职业技术学院广播台


[00:01:24] 这里有最地道的情景口语秀check in c 光影留声带你玩转影音大世界美剧、英剧、电影一网打尽

[00:01:34] 世界地理万花筒带你领略大千风景

[00:01:37] 让你好看

[00:01:37] 每周一下午05 :30 第一胎为你带来最新鲜的英语词是m and m p g Li Xi re everywhere you hello

[00:01:52] 大家下午好

[00:01:54] 现在是2018 年4 月2 日周一下午

[00:01:57] 05 :30

[00:01:58] 您现在收听到的是一开我是主播p Apple second twenty eighteen you are listening and program here

[00:02:08] 我是您的主播

[00:02:09] 一小段音乐过后一起来收听今天的节目速报

[00:02:13] 不要走开哦she wants mall re ga at you down

[00:02:27] 下面是本期一胎栏目的节目速报诗歌美文

[00:02:31] 为大家带来我喜欢你是静静的世界地理万花筒

[00:03:27] 哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒的哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒啊

[00:03:54] 那人的啊


[00:04:09] 不知为何

[00:04:11] 我喜欢你静静的时候

[00:04:14] I like for you To Bea steel bi par Le ni ru der I like for you To Bea steel is that draw your absent and you help mea from far away and my voice is UN touch you it seems has draw your eyes had from away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth

[00:04:40] S all thing I failed with my soul you e merge from the thing felt with my soul you like my soul a butterfly of dream and you are like the world my Li

[00:04:56] 我喜欢你是静静的

[00:04:59] 仿佛你消失了一样

[00:05:01] 你从远处聆听我我的声音却无法触及你

[00:05:06] 好像你的目光已经游离而去

[00:05:10] 如同一个吻封缄了你的嘴

[00:05:13] 如同我积满一切的灵魂

[00:05:15] 而你从一切中出现

[00:05:17] 充盈了我的灵魂

[00:05:20] 你像我的灵魂

[00:05:21] 像一只梦想的蝴蝶

[00:05:23] 你如同忧郁这个词

[00:05:26] I like for you tobe the steel and you seem far away it thought that though you r de main ting a butterfly INC all in re a door and you hear me from far away and my voice does not reach you let me come To Be still in your silence a limit or to you with your silence there is bright is a lamp simple the rain you are like to night with is to re us and constellation of silence is dead over si tar

[00:06:02] S re mark and candy

[00:06:05] 我喜欢你是静静的

[00:06:07] 好像你已远去

[00:06:09] 你听起来像在悲叹一只如鸽般细语的蝴蝶

[00:06:15] 你从远处聆听我我的声音却无法触及你让我在你的静谧中安静无声

[00:06:23] 并且让我藉着你的沉默与你说话

[00:06:27] 你的沉默亮若明灯

[00:06:29] 简单如黄

[00:06:31] 你如黑夜

[00:06:32] 拥有寂静与群星

[00:06:34] 你像我的灵魂

[00:06:36] 像一只梦想的蝴蝶

[00:06:38] I like for you To Bea steel ich ido u r ever si ent

[00:06:44] Does tend and full of sorrow said oh you would have that one word den one smile is enough and I m happy happy that is not true

[00:06:56] 我喜欢你是静静的

[00:06:59] 仿佛你消失了一样

[00:07:01] 远隔千里

[00:07:03] 满怀挨冻

[00:07:04] 仿佛你已不在人世

[00:07:07] 彼时

[00:07:07] 一个字、一个微笑就已足够

[00:07:11] 而我会感到幸福

[00:07:13] 因那不是真的会感到幸福

[00:07:27] 你知道吗

[00:07:29] 肯德基在日本不仅仅代表肯德基

[00:07:32] 为什么在日本

[00:07:33] 圣诞节等于肯德基Christmas may not be a national holiday in Japan but that doesnt mean people want celebrating only around one percent of Japanese people consider themselves question so too most Japanese Christmas is celebrate ID mor ly on valentine s day of shirt with yung couples or groups of friends go ing on shows profession c displays of holiday decorations and lies

[00:08:06] Japan is the only country in de wall e mer k f c officer special that mail for Christmas and these are your typical type of fried chicken males these also come with sal a cake and wine or champagne just over forty u s Dollar lines get so long com Christmas Eve that some people find themselves waiting for three hours just To Get their fried chicken goodness in time for their holidays is waiting in line is a new thing

[00:08:40] You can also pre order your Christmas k f c but you will need to do that month in advance

[00:08:48] 搜why do Japanese go k f c chrissy come Christmas well apparently

[00:08:55] The idea came from an expect customer bi kin de de who said he was eating k f c for Christmas because Turkey does an is it in Japan yes a jo a te of Japanese people have never taste target in their life since de bird is a native to Japan and most Japanese who have child target is like a taste

[00:09:21] Target never called on and now is near impossible to find

[00:09:27] So op on hearing does expect plan for chicken solution on Christmas k f c decided to for thousands of Yuan in to a new marketing campaign and in nineteen seventy four Kentucky for Christmas when kind of virtual scenes than the cash for Christmas equal Kentucky began a pulling on plenty of TV commercials and planned a death and it just short of CT on

[00:10:09] 如果你不开心

[00:10:10] 这篇文章可能对你有好处

[00:10:13] 一分钟迅速快乐法赶走你的消极情绪

[00:10:17] The man isa powerful thing and in a narrow second it can never or cross our mood there is a real problem when we stopped buying into de negative thoughts we have about ourselves many of us have problem with negative thoughts are playing on de shadow of our mind but if your existing in de consistently and you believe it it could be according your sense of self e star

[00:10:48] Here are a few believe that indicate you may need to switch the station

[00:10:54] Negative si los contra up by feelings and hold you inTo Believing that were those all temp ers in your head

[00:11:02] Our playing is actually true in short he brings your focus to your fails and that gets you nowhere what can you do here are some suggestions first live in de moment

[00:11:18] Self talk is so si double that we often though notice its effect on our mood and believe system key thing to notice r if only or what if statements the former keep you stuck in de passage b rig ati

[00:11:35] While de let or keep your fair full of the future there is nothing you can do about the past and future is an here yet so si de in de present moment

[00:11:47] Second we should realize that a good thing if we want to change the negative test playing in your head we have to visual ise yourself possibly that means in yourself non judgement on Li ph or accepting yourself how would that look draw a picture in your mind and expand on it

[00:12:12] Good recognize that action always follow believe whatever you believe you will experience more off and you will also find yourself behaving in way that our conclusion and with you believe so starting to leave ing de best about yourself act as if you believe that you are a valuable and lovely person

[00:12:37] For pay attention to trigger

[00:12:40] Tigers are anything that can started a old types playing if er cotton person is a chance for you set bond ers with them

[00:13:25] Think him fully about yourself get ing us nowhere and extremely self limited decided to de to turn off the negative south talk channel in your mind and develop your true potential

[00:13:42] Dis program to say goodbye to everyone welcome to nex per year of time to listen I hope you all have a good mood everyday

[00:13:52] 由于时间的关系

[00:13:54] 今天的一趟就到这里了

[00:13:56] 感谢广播台的播音员、技术员、编辑员、以及策划员们

[00:14:01] 下星期见see you next week


[00:16:06] 你还记得吗

[00:16:11] 记忆的云霞

[00:16:15] 散落在风中的一整个春华的都已沙哑

[00:16:25] 没结果的话

[00:16:29] 为完整的经过

[00:16:33] 我们学会许多说法

[00:16:36] 来人是不同的伤疤

[00:16:42] 因为我会想起你

[00:16:47] 我害怕面对自己

[00:16:51] 我的一天总被寂寞吞食

[00:16:59] 因为你总会贴息

[00:17:04] 过去总不会过去

[00:17:09] 有种真爱不是我的

[00:17:20] 你结过的花

[00:17:25] 最完整的牵挂

[00:17:28] 我们学会许多说话来掩饰不碰的惩罚

[00:17:36] 因为我会想起你我害怕面对自己

[00:17:44] 我的意志总被初末分析

[00:17:52] 因为你总会提起过去

[00:17:57] 总不会过去

[00:18:01] 有种真爱不是我的

[00:18:09] 啊啊啊



[00:18:40] 假如我不曾爱你我不会失去自己

[00:18:48] 想念ci 顶住我的位置

[00:18:53] 一因为你总会提起林网化的好

[00:19:03] 世界有谁辛苦是我的

[00:19:17] 若是我的

[00:19:26] 你还记得吗

[00:19:30] 记忆的眼瞎

[00:19:35] 我终于没选择的分岔

[00:19:39] 最后又有谁到达

[00:20:05] 当一艘船沉入海底

[00:20:12] 当一个人成了谜

[00:20:19] 你不知道他们为何离去

[00:20:26] 那声再见竟是他最后一句

[00:20:33] 当一辆车消失天际

[00:20:40] 当一个人成了谜

[00:20:47] 你不知道他们为何离去

[00:20:53] 就像你不知道这竟是结局

[00:21:01] 在每个繁星抛弃进我的眼里

[00:21:08] 我会告别

[00:21:10] 告别我自己

[00:21:15] 因为我不知道

[00:21:19] 我也不想知道和相聚之间的距离

[00:21:30] 当一辆车消失天际

[00:21:37] 当一个人成了谜

[00:21:44] 以不知道他们为何离去

[00:21:49] 就像你不知道这竟是结局

[00:21:58] 在每个银河坠入深谷的梦里

[00:22:05] 我会醒来也忘记梦境

[00:22:12] 因为你不知道

[00:22:15] 你也不会知道

[00:22:19] 失去的就已经失去

[00:22:26] 当你搜船沉入海底

[00:22:33] 当一个人成了谜

[00:22:40] 你不知道他们为何离去

[00:22:47] 那声再见竟是他最后一句

[00:22:55] 当一辆车消失天际

[00:23:02] 当一个人成了谜

[00:23:09] 你不知道他们为何离去

[00:23:15] 就像你不知道这

[00:23:22] 竟是结局

[00:23:59] 想说的话没有说

[00:24:03] 时间你走过

[00:24:08] 没有问为什么

[00:24:11] 你想路过

[00:24:15] 也许我已经掌握等待的快乐

[00:24:22] 我不怕风雨折磨

[00:24:26] 只害怕海的沉默

[00:24:30] 想你渐渐忘记呼吸

[00:24:38] 夜里多了点回忆


[00:24:48] 网络是否已失去自己

[00:25:01] 没如果

[00:25:05] 没结果

[00:25:09] 在最孤单的角落

[00:25:12] 我想一首你没有听过的歌没

[00:25:18] 如果没写错

[00:25:25] 有一种难过

[00:25:28] 只要关于你眼泪会掉落

[00:25:35] 这是什么

[00:25:57] 想你渐渐忘记呼吸叶多了点

[00:26:10] 回忆喔喔喔

[00:26:16] 是否

[00:26:20] 已失去



[00:26:28] 没如果

[00:26:32] 没结果

[00:26:36] 在最孤单的角落

[00:26:40] 我想一首你没有听过的歌没

[00:26:45] 如果没写错

[00:26:52] 有一种懒惰

[00:26:55] 只要关于你

[00:26:58] 眼泪会掉落

[00:27:05] 这是什么
