
[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:00] 元旦到了
[00:00:02] 春节假期还有一个多月也会到来
[00:00:06] 春节
[00:00:07] 也就是新年
[00:00:08] 代表这新的一年的开始
[00:00:11] 努力工作了一整年
[00:00:13] 好不容易可以喘口气
[00:00:15] 好好的沉淀自己
[00:00:17] 让自己好好休息
[00:00:19] 让自己整理思绪
[00:00:22] 准备迎向新的一年
[00:00:25] 此刻的你还在苦恼要如何度过这长达一个多星期的假期吗
[00:00:31] 不要迟疑
[00:00:33] 去准备一个大背包
[00:00:34] 马上订机票
[00:00:36] 出国去旅行
[00:00:38] 什么事业、课业压力
[00:00:40] 什么感情问题
[00:00:41] 通通把它们抛到脑后
[00:00:43] 让心灵沉静
[00:00:45] 以下列出的五个地点供你做参考
[00:00:49] 这些地点
[00:00:51] 或许你一辈子连听都没听过
[00:00:55] 但我想
[00:00:55] 这些地方最适合一个人独自前往
[00:01:00] 最适合自己一个人在那里体验孤独
[00:01:10] 云浮托运一把垮city 普通帖
[00:01:16] Men t Le ma me more is a VI SAR den fen
[00:01:22] 一轮面桶私密化
[00:01:27] S h up for my plans a cell phone every on account of u IM men ga ting she put o Du Mai led down I want you say you Mei bi Li br atone 的嘎
[00:01:46] A tall 拨头发的Tong keep an umbrella umbrella here twice to Dis si pat ion or do I qc re plus
[00:02:01] 无锡市部位
[00:02:04] 你光说啊
[00:02:06] 我告诉你
[00:02:08] 我告诉你
[00:02:09] 浪occur in fr
[00:02:15] Leader flow
[00:02:18] 舒服
[00:02:19] 嘿
[00:02:20] 琳哈
[00:02:22] 韩国的咏鹅的大黄he tai ko Mo si Li dar
[00:02:42] 沙面的on them these se par Li s ID down needed for me but while she is still our homes pun
[00:02:54] 或许死你现在
[00:03:00] You na Ren ti que Ren own here are the best and he Shi mme r ever present started lad we should an ally plus o 8 的she will be sure there
[00:03:15] 我靠耶
[00:03:21] 我告诉你啊
[00:03:23] 我告诉你呢
[00:03:26] Latter
[00:03:32] 把你的错啊
[00:03:35] 嘻嘻
[00:03:36] 御临河
[00:03:39] He Lu Gu el den no nono
[00:03:54] SHESA
[00:03:58] The years old and peoples here the seller
[00:04:06] 破碎的开始
[00:04:13] She stopped bc
[00:04:16] 很悲催
[00:04:21] 搞粉刷
[00:04:26] 我哥呢
[00:04:32] 你
[00:04:37] 熬夜啊啊啊
[00:04:52] 他说
[00:04:53] 魁北克市是加拿大魁北克省的首府
[00:04:58] 你也许会问
[00:04:59] 加拿大这么多大城市
[00:05:01] 为什么偏偏要选这个地方呢
[00:05:04] 因为加拿大的华人太多
[00:05:07] Er 魁北克市的居民都说法语
[00:05:10] 有些人甚至连英语都不会说
[00:05:14] 所以这里的华人相当的少
[00:05:17] 来到这里
[00:05:18] 不仅有美丽的雪景可以观看
[00:05:21] 还可以到魁北克省的旧城区小香普兰街走一走
[00:05:27] 里面充满了各式各样的创意小店
[00:05:31] 最重要的是因为这里的人都说法语
[00:05:34] 而且观光客较少
[00:05:36] 所以居民们都相当友善
[00:05:40] 点一杯咖啡
[00:05:42] 搭配加拿大最有名的小吃不定呢
[00:05:46] 看着窗外的雪景
[00:05:48] 听着隔壁桌那优美的法文
[00:05:51] 原来把自己放到一个完全陌生的漩涡里
[00:05:56] 让自己被卷进浑然的孤独时
[00:05:59] 生活
[00:06:01] 也可以很丰富
[00:06:22] S we de mak u at on phone you can lean on a procedure the s od my Lucy on him self or she looks good shot I can start to make like a drug a zoom in the mayor had a short e mer its 拥
[00:06:49] Due to my aunt rat makes a good luck on a si Le 了
[00:06:58] Mei Li ark is en tu er market goes back to er a n e c lad ur Du s u s el dom ay kip and a cigar lethal with you if you dont sop lite rat
[00:07:26] Sweet I mak u at on phone you can only on a pre fall UN marked at my Lu si on
[00:07:36] 拒绝陌生人的歌
[00:07:39] S a ve ne he got his years shopping makes an song is a way of life on bet few years 的地方
[00:07:52] He do more baby Lei Mei if I could re opened my eyes are num a sol v ari um market go bed IDC 的brown braun Du Su na Mei qi Fang Li so Li den sub re Su rat
[00:08:29] I know 放不下啦
[00:08:31] 咪嗖here are 一辈子突发
[00:08:36] My good bye lover a s a rang Ren 特需
[00:08:55] He could it only sub lies you fart
[00:09:04] 去看极光吧
[00:09:06] 吉鲁娜
[00:09:07] Tina 为在瑞典北部
[00:09:11] 是瑞典境内离集圈最近的大城市
[00:09:15] 而通常在每年的12月到二月
[00:09:18] 是看极光的最佳季节
[00:09:22] 去网络上找找
[00:09:23] 会发现
[00:09:24] 瑞典很多旅行团会提供三到四天的极光之旅
[00:09:30] 极光之旅的内容极其丰富
[00:09:33] 你可以搭乘狗雪橇、雪上摩托车
[00:09:37] 滑冰船
[00:09:38] 甚至到达看极光的目的地之后
[00:09:41] 你还需要自己砍柴和去河边取水
[00:09:45] 晚上的桑拿浴也是一大重头戏
[00:09:50] 你可以徘徊在零下40 度的雪地和90 度的桑拿浴室
[00:09:57] 体验最传统的瑞典人生活
[00:10:01] 一趟极光之旅的花费并不贵
[00:10:04] 通常几百块瑞典克朗就可以解决
[00:10:08] 所以
[00:10:09] 你还在犹豫什么
[00:10:11] 马上启程前往北方
[00:10:14] 仔细寻找
[00:10:16] 生命的极光吧
[00:10:20] I can thi ri Gan Xie Xie Le
[00:10:41] You know lets try it you love mi
[00:10:48] 找进来也
[00:10:56] IGOIDYDYDY
[00:10:56] 嗯
[00:11:36] 啊
[00:11:46] 非常a re se sou 哈a r I love na ugh I tried tried making toys 么
[00:12:36] 年轻力力总
[00:12:49] 喂
[00:12:49] 在德国近郊的搭车集中营
[00:12:52] 是我一辈子最难忘的地方
[00:12:56] 这里是纳粹政权在德国境内最早也是保存最完好的集中营
[00:13:03] 这也是德国境内唯一一座完整经历过二次世界大战的集中营
[00:13:10] 距离慕尼黑不过一小时的车程
[00:13:13] 里面有纳粹政权在二次世界大战迫害少数民族最珍贵
[00:13:20] 也是最完整的史料和易经
[00:13:24] 从搭车火车站下车
[00:13:26] 一个人搭乘前往集中营的公交车
[00:13:30] 看着窗外的铁栏
[00:13:32] 听这千千万万个灵魂孤苦无依的呐喊
[00:13:37] 这里
[00:13:39] 可以提供给你最深沉的思考
[00:13:43] 一辈子
[00:13:45] 一定要来一次
[00:14:09] 都是第一次
[00:14:12] In ta mouth eyes dont 嘞
[00:14:16] A leader s ne off all mountain
[00:14:23] Magazine St m na 组好人说
[00:14:31] 称他big time I
[00:14:42] 缘分测冷
[00:14:52] 啊
[00:14:56] Sight a mer eyes down
[00:15:01] 啊呜
[00:15:10] 哈哈哈
[00:15:14] Li vet an the rush mi
[00:15:19] 啊D 再进太猛
[00:15:34] The fence does s where Kate 的kanon homes or c him back in the first nail room on de fines of its shaking from d c I ly 新mentions 的S
[00:15:58] S na big time I
[00:16:03] 缘分测冷
[00:16:18] Night the human eyes down here Li vet an the rush 妮啊
[00:16:59] 风格lish to in system
[00:17:04] 馄饨fire and ina
[00:17:09] Thank you are in or t fill 放手he no Indian
[00:17:27] 啊爸us ni
[00:18:09] Stand
[00:18:24] Li Lu mi 了
[00:18:59] 冬天
[00:19:00] 呆在湿湿冷冷的故乡
[00:19:03] 你是否已经开始怀念夏天那温暖的阳光了呢
[00:19:08] 新西兰因为在南半球
[00:19:11] 所以我们的春节仍然是他们的夏天
[00:19:15] Er 罗托鲁阿是新西兰北岛毛利文化保存最完整的城市
[00:19:22] 你随意晃晃
[00:19:24] 到处都可以看到毛利文化的遗迹
[00:19:28] Er 罗托鲁阿也是新西兰著名的温泉胜地
[00:19:33] 到处都是温泉会馆
[00:19:36] 其中更不乏有全世界排名前十的温泉中心
[00:19:41] 市中心的景色之优美也令人咋舌
[00:19:46] 到这里
[00:19:47] 暂时逃离冷飕飕的天气
[00:19:50] 脱下厚重的大衣
[00:19:52] 跳进温暖的浴池
[00:19:54] 浴池旁摆上一块蓝莓蛋糕
[00:19:57] 喝一杯热腾腾的奶茶
[00:20:00] 这才是享受人生
[00:20:08] I cut my teeth on wedding raining in that movie and I m not proud of my dress
[00:20:19] In a torn up Dow no post the strip in the bedroom lets the ball down stretch to the hotel on wheels
[00:20:35] Get a life long dream when everybody likes we start a back time is on your time is the place I love tiger s we dont care
[00:20:45] We are caught when you love there ever be re wrote the one in our clan the kind love the thing for a the crave it differently he ur Lu you can call me queen bee a b Lu et me leave that re se
[00:21:16] Mor ri sons and I was correct the coal
[00:21:22] We count our dollars on de train the bar and everyone who knows us know the will fight with disease we did not come for Mei ni ou sly cau ti ou sting in the bedroom lets these balls dressing herself when we dont care
[00:21:50] The boy likes To Be re wrote the one in our clan the kind love the thing for a week re a different par Le bi Le Le you can call me queen bee baby I love
[00:22:23] Let me leave that re se o
[00:22:28] 啊
[00:22:32] Dream
[00:22:34] And I love being queen
[00:22:37] 啊啊啊
[00:22:43] Here I will never be rev it so no one in our clan the craft is a natural crave it differently he ur Le you can call me queen bee Lu
[00:23:10] 印度对于你来说
[00:23:13] 也许不适合一个人旅行
[00:23:16] 因为他对你来说太陌生
[00:23:19] 尤其在加尔各答
[00:23:22] 这个印度最穷的城市之一
[00:23:25] 治安是你最担心的考量
[00:23:29] 但加尔各答却是印度最著名的古城
[00:23:33] 在这里
[00:23:34] 你可以体验到印度最原始的生命力
[00:23:38] 更可以卸下一切都市人的束缚
[00:23:42] 在这里尽情的放纵自己
[00:23:45] 你可以上网去搜寻这里的义工组织
[00:23:49] 来这里做为期一周的短期志工
[00:23:53] 做短期职工
[00:23:54] 除了可以利用上班时间接触到最基层的印度居民
[00:23:59] 更可以利用休闲时间去市区内的古迹观光
[00:24:03] 让心灵与视觉的养分
[00:24:06] 滋润你的生命
[00:24:18] Homes that I been opened his a ud ib na cover to them into
[00:24:33] Ho mb re be noble prize so there be na cover 住的Miller said you said you 大概率合唱
[00:24:48] 应该CEO 应该煮得稀
[00:24:57] 喝东西喝的东西糊粘皮
[00:25:10] 豆皮美牙数据也不同衣服
[00:25:37] A num a bar bar ri ers to Le ga 的
[00:25:47] 也许你会想
[00:25:49] 为什么我不用这些假期去一些观光景点
[00:25:54] 非要花上一笔钱让这些听都没听说过的小城市呢
[00:25:59] 要记住
[00:26:01] 旅行不应该是做给人家看的
[00:26:04] 举报你去了很多有名的地方
[00:26:08] 不代表这次的旅行就有意义
[00:26:11] 也不代表这次的旅行可以为你的人生的旅行的目的应该是要找一个适合自己的
[00:26:21] 然后体验与自己过去截然不同的生活
[00:26:26] 去做你这辈子想都没有想要去做的事
[00:26:29] 这才是旅行
[00:26:33] 这才是新的你
[00:26:36] 这才是新年
[00:26:41] 这五座城市你最想去看哪一座呢
[00:26:46] 买了相送
[00:26:47] 欢迎你在登载每期节目搞和歌单的微信公众号后
[00:26:51] 留言搜索DJ 就可以找到我了
[00:26:56] 下次我们再会吧
[00:27:01] Li mi Di na Mei Lu Di 的re hardly were falling multi go sometimes life science ne ga lo ga te ra Mai si d 8 哥儿啊嗯嗯啊Er he d he Liu zhan pi Mori Mori ze ri 无啊
[00:28:04] 我么么么么么
[00:28:11] Ad mi 莫
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- Put on a Happy Face [Eclipse]
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- Oh! Gran Dios [Miguel Aceves Mejía]
- She Wolf(Album) [Shakira]
- Human [Pretenders]
- Take Me(All Night) [Nastee Nev&Donald Sheffey]
- Needed Me(Cosmic Dawn Club Mix) [Rihanna]
- 小幸运 [MC米帅名]
- It Keeps You Young [Peggy Lee]
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas [Christmas Dreamers]
- Panjeeri [Kulwinder Billa]
- All He Ever Wanted [Return]
- 所以悲伤 [张冬玲]
- Adios [Empire Cast&Serayah McNei]
- Am I That Easy To Forget [Skeeter Davis]
- Rock and Roll Music [Chuck Berry]
- (Ever since we started to tame the world) []
- Жадувам(feat. DesiSlava) [Azis&Desislava]
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- 旗袍女子 [枫桥]
- I Wish I Didn’t Love You So [Aretha Franklin]
- 妄作 [黄麒Eros]
- Them There Eyes [The Music Themes]
- Colors Of The Wind -3 [Edited Length 2: 00 (In The Style Of Judy Kuhn) [Karaoke Version Teaching Vocal]](Movie Version) [Musical Creations Studio ]
- I’m Walkin’ [Richard, Cliff & The Shad]
- 感谢你 [刘国强]
- Moonlight Lady [Julio Iglesias]
- 海风吹心肝 [尤雅]
- 蜻蛉 [チリヌルヲワカ]
- 女兵 [许飞]
- Triste [Joao Gilberto]