[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:01] 抱抱
[00:00:03] 只有我们的时候
[00:00:06] 这样对你说
[00:00:10] 凶悍的日常
[00:00:13] 好像不需要拥抱
[00:00:17] 在你身边
[00:00:19] 又恢复软弱
[00:00:24] 这是林宛瑜的报告中的一劫
[00:00:29] 当日常凶悍
[00:00:31] 你想躲进谁的怀抱
[00:00:34] 像孩子一样撒娇
[00:00:37] 用怀里感受的暖来抵御日子的函
[00:00:43] 就算长大了
[00:00:45] 但你一直记得那白晃晃的身影
[00:00:49] 脸上总挂着傻气的微笑
[00:00:53] 每次在生活撞上困难
[00:00:56] 跌得四脚朝天
[00:00:58] 鼻青脸肿
[00:01:00] 你依旧没忘记提醒自己
[00:01:03] 日子越艰难
[00:01:05] 越要记得笑容可贵
[00:01:09] 在成人世界奔走
[00:01:12] 你用坚强撑起看来的成熟
[00:01:17] 但他总在你将把自己丢失的时候提醒你
[00:01:23] 幼稚一点好
[00:01:26] 看出去的世界是那么快乐
[00:01:29] 斯努比陪伴了许多人的童年与青春
[00:01:35] 它是长于1950 年代青年的共同回忆
[00:01:39] 也是此后每一个世代不断缅怀又重新爱上的卡通形象
[00:01:48] 我们爱snoopy
[00:01:50] 不只是他看起来疗愈的笑容
[00:01:54] 有时蠢笨呆萌的行为
[00:01:57] 更多的是他教会世界微笑的力量
[00:02:02] 让你带着这个秘密挺过一个个人生的坑
[00:02:07] 可以哭着跌倒
[00:02:09] 但记得站起来的时候
[00:02:11] 给自己一个好棒的微笑
[00:02:15] 今天的蔓的香颂动漫给你一起回顾snoopy 教我们的生活学
[00:02:23] 面对生活
[00:02:24] 做你喜欢的事
[00:02:26] 就值得努力下去
[00:02:29] 完整带插图的节目稿以及节目歌单
[00:02:33] 欢迎加入动漫的微信公众号
[00:02:36] 搜索DJ dem n 就可以找到我
[00:02:40] 查看过去讯息或历史讯息
[00:02:44] 就可以找到每一期的节目搞了
[00:02:48] 熟悉的原因之后
[00:02:50] 我们和大家一起来看看snoopy
[00:02:53] 教我们的生活学
[00:05:55] 别忘记小时候为了小事而快乐的纯真
[00:06:01] 喜欢贝多芬的skoda 说
[00:06:04] 买唱片总是能让我感到愉快
[00:06:08] 每当我感觉沮丧
[00:06:10] 我就会去买一张唱片
[00:06:14] 当你感觉沮丧
[00:06:15] 去做那件总是能让你感受快乐的事情吧
[00:06:21] 别忽略你心底的呼救声
[00:06:24] 当现实把你压得喘不过气
[00:06:27] 别让情绪像虫洞般吞噬自己
[00:06:32] 你记得吗
[00:06:33] 小时候
[00:06:34] 快乐总是唾手可得
[00:06:37] 试着去做那件总是让你快乐的小事吧
[00:06:42] 把溺水的自己就起来
[00:06:45] 重新调整呼吸
[00:06:48] 找回生活的规律才能继续努力下去
[00:06:53] FIFA 复发I smell smoke in 的a drawer Charlie Charlie brown brown brown and everybody in any I know that even seven comma and are in the boy Charlie brown brown brown watched everybody always picking on me the wall
[00:07:43] 无杂味
[00:07:44] 普遍人哪好
[00:07:49] 啊咩
[00:07:54] Walked in Du classroom who lands low who called the English teacher Charlie brown brown brown brown he rd every body always picking on mi
[00:08:24] 嗯
[00:08:39] Works in Du classroom pool and show who caused the English teachers that you drown drown drown drown his re caro
[00:09:02] 把握生命的秘诀是活在当下
[00:09:08] 斯努比认为
[00:09:10] 向过去学习
[00:09:11] 活在当下
[00:09:14] 期待未来
[00:09:16] N
[00:09:17] 人生必须要适度休息
[00:09:22] 别太过忧虑未来
[00:09:24] 学着去感受生命的每一个当下
[00:09:28] 吸取过去的教训
[00:09:31] 把握今日的生命
[00:09:33] 人生有什么比让自己适度休息、快乐生活更重要的事情吗
[00:09:43] 哇哦
[00:09:44] A I m trying to think about on my problems I m leaving now
[00:09:58] M lad
[00:09:58] 孬
[00:10:01] Hey can said worry about the future job I m letting
[00:10:06] 孬
[00:10:07] C ln ow if ill have in a good down if you can get it all
[00:10:22] Are you ready to hello hello or leave Phil Li re gonna wake up every day like Christmas or gonna celebrate his life from here from num
[00:10:58] I know I m gonna tell my mother everyday for 么么哒么Sil k nut brown hands thank you can not here at all
[00:11:18] Costs if you can no worse tomorrow can cell if you already know hello I live in Sen ce re yes if you like friend is quick money and you never ever think its gonna go away but I swear I know you wake up and a s a UC er got the moon and here is about how big mouth feels good on it feels good on you only get one life life and a poet feels good only feels good only you only get one life life and good luck
[00:12:19] Unlikely to fill filled only you only job one likes a es all e views el mi re
[00:12:39] 我喂你啊
[00:12:53] 哎额
[00:13:13] Co well you feel so be re
[00:13:22] 所谓幸福
[00:13:24] 是掌握自己的人生
[00:13:28] 查理不让
[00:13:28] 说幸福的秘密是对未来有所期
[00:13:33] 对未知无所惧
[00:13:37] 人的一生都在追逐幸福
[00:13:40] 总以为幸福像童话般
[00:13:43] 只听过
[00:13:44] 却从没人见过
[00:13:46] 向每个路过你生命的人探问幸福的意义
[00:13:51] 雀王了
[00:13:52] 生活是自己在过
[00:13:55] 所谓幸福的定义
[00:13:57] 当你明白傻理傻气的去期待未来是可以的
[00:14:02] 做一个温柔但有所坚持的人是可以的
[00:14:07] 你便能对未来有所期待
[00:14:10] 对未知无所畏惧地活成自己
[00:14:16] Soso soso soso soso r elia I like you I you do I like about you hate flying I liked about here you duo duo y u Du I love you baby
[00:15:17] 哈and robb an ally I liked you know why you are you come on and I re Le Du u Du ru Du ly q r on the way down all my time on happened in an
[00:16:16] Where are based on my green with you saw a lot of all time
[00:16:31] 呜呜呜
[00:16:36] 哇哦哇哦呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀
[00:16:45] 哇哦哇哦哇哦哇哦哇哦哇哦呀呀呀呀呀呀呀呀
[00:17:23] III
[00:17:32] 人生是为自己而活
[00:17:36] 忠于你的快乐
[00:17:39] 露西说
[00:17:41] 会坐着看落叶从树上掉下来的人一定很笨
[00:17:47] 子奴婢回答
[00:17:49] 嗯
[00:17:50] 但我快乐
[00:17:53] 人生是自己的
[00:17:55] 别在意他人怎么看待你的生活方式
[00:18:00] 请忠于自己的快乐
[00:18:02] 面对每个指引和碳问的时候
[00:18:06] 你都能理直气壮并且问心无愧的说出
[00:18:10] 就算有点蠢
[00:18:12] 但我感到无与伦比的快乐
[00:18:17] 嗯嗯嗯嗯哼
[00:18:23] I think you re just move your body listen to music thing all just put those re fil a crazy and no one can do is all o so Du r il la tor Ren ti bi Le ga ci ou do what you can no you gotta move I dont know about you but I feel better when and a thin little when I think there are we can do together to feel better way u la lala
[00:20:22] No doubt when on pens a num bed when on pace in a an the wind in the weight of descent and you know we can go there is a cat that are 啦
[00:20:58] 噜噜a sit back up when on basis 总有一个人可以抚慰你破败的心
[00:21:14] 家里不让说
[00:21:16] 身边有你
[00:21:18] 我想这一天没有那么糟了
[00:21:22] 拖着瘫软的身体
[00:21:24] 带着整日疲惫钻进被窝
[00:21:28] 皱着眉头
[00:21:29] 闭着眼睛
[00:21:31] 双手在床上探寻
[00:21:34] 直到摸到你的身体
[00:21:37] 感觉温暖
[00:21:39] 然后心安
[00:21:42] 身边有你
[00:21:43] 拥着这样的幸福
[00:21:47] 好爸
[00:21:48] 就原谅日子偶尔的颓败吧
[00:21:54] 抱抱
[00:21:55] 抱抱
[00:21:58] 你不知道这些
[00:22:00] 可是你
[00:22:02] 给我一个拥抱
[00:22:05] 谁是你生命中那个像snoopy 一样的人
[00:22:11] 仅仅存在
[00:22:12] 就让你安心
[00:22:15] 不用多说
[00:22:17] 总能在你感到脆弱的时候
[00:22:19] 笨拙的给你一个拥抱
[00:22:22] 让你明白
[00:22:23] 生活再难
[00:22:25] 都有他陪你记忆纯真
[00:22:29] 你们凑在一起
[00:22:31] 就不必害怕世界的张牙舞爪
[00:23:14] 呜呜啊啊
[00:23:29] Stall a qi
[00:23:33] Took a cartoon with the lost boys me took a Karl towns and the off any she be free
[00:23:46] Saw that lights go down and Di Rec ting so lets go down and standing in front of mi
[00:23:59] 啊
[00:24:08] You must care dreams be rat rows come dressed in Du Kan ni bi ka ti har
[00:24:25] Lasted lets in har Le Qu in the 么啊
[00:24:50] Well you know when girls or man Su por all man has the ear and speed gou Le re Gu lat ao
[00:25:59] 哦
[00:26:06] 啊啊啊
[00:26:15] 啊啊啊
[00:26:32] 美丽的身外勾刀
- Quarter [FUEL]
- Pretend The World Has Ended(Album Version) [She Wants Revenge]
- Anything I’m Not [Lenka]
- Where Do We Go [Sandrine]
- Oh! [Micky Green]
- 忘记歌词 [陈奕迅]
- The Music Of The Night [Original London Cast&Mich]
- Smy 呼嘞重鼓 [网络歌手]
- Travelling Riverside Blues(BBC Session) [Led Zeppelin]
- We Stay Rough [Mark b]
- Goodnight My Love [The Four Seasons]
- 爱的微光(伴奏) [唐瑭]
- Someone To Watch Over Me [Kristin Chenoweth]
- Act II: Una furtiva lagrima [Plácido Domingo&Domenico ]
- Champagne [Jo Vally]
- La Vie En Rose [Perry Como]
- Stairway To The Stars [Milos Vujovic]
- Fly Me to the Moon [Julie London]
- 一个人好好过 [司文]
- Blue Again [Louis Armstrong & His Orc]
- Nous Ne Nous Parlerons Pas [Jean-Jacques Goldman]
- Distant Fingers(Digitally Remastered 1996) [Patti Smith]
- Do Ya Wanna Funk [Ameritz Top Tributes]
- Unbreakable(Club Mix) [Dan D-Noy]
- (I Was) Born to Be Blue [Ella Fitzgerald]
- Jennie Lee [Jan & Dean]
- Mess Around [Ray Charles]
- 兄弟 [MC徐天赐]
- Se Me Olvid Otra Vez [Pandora]
- Where the Soul Never Dies [Hank Williams&D.R]
- Once in a Lifetime(LP版) [Sammy Davis Jr.]
- 贵人酒敬你 [黄永毅&刘学]
- 马儿啊,你慢些走 [马玉涛]
- Right In the Eye [The Muffs]
- Aguita de Coco [La Moda]
- I Heard You Cried Last Night [Helen Forrest&Harry James]
- Vermilion Rush [Inkubus Sukkubus]
- Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You) [80s Greatest Hits]
- Chiquilla De Mi Amor [Los Vendavales de Adan Me]
- Should We Tell Him? [The Everly Brothers]
- 相约在月圆时节 [宋祖英]
- 一颗情泪 [林玉英]